
A Pretty Pair of Panties Delivered to Your Door With Panty by Post

Thanks to my friends at Panty by Post for providing me with a sample to inspire this post.

Ladies, I know I am not the only one that sometimes puts my own needs last. Between working, managing our homes, the busy season of raising kids and being a good partner... seriously. Sometimes, the efforts I put into everything leave me drained. I might look halfway presentable at any given moment but under that untucked mom shirt and a skirt or leggings... my poor husband. It is almost always some good old mom panties, you know, the kind you buy in a 5 pack at the grocery store. Not at all glamorous. 

Do you end up rocking those kind of panties too? It seems like once a week I think, Sara, girl buy some panties. Buy something that is pretty, something that has been missing from your wardrobe since you became a mom... but like I mentioned earlier, life moves fast and that to do list gets longer and longer. Making a trip to the mall for something I desire? Please. I will always desire time at home more than time at the mall. 

I found a service that is a ton of fun and is helping me stock my panty drawer with so not my normal mom style panties!

Panty by Post is a 3, 6 or 12 month subscription service that delivers a great pair of panties to your door each month. With feminine styles and several levels of subscription to meet your panty style wishes, this is something you really want to try! It is a nice way to try new styles, to get something awesome delivered to you and to avoid a trip to the mall!

This is a great idea for a gift for a special lady or a fantastic treat for yourself. Because we are friends, you can tell Panty by Post I sent you when you subscribe and use this code IMNEW15 at checkout to save $15 on your subscription!

I got a really great bordeaux thong from the Signature Line. It is really comfortable, feminine and stylish. It is kinda crazy, but girls, when I started rocking some not my normal mom undies, I felt incredible! My confidence level seemed to improve.

Overall, Panty By Post rocks. This is a cool service that I think you will like as much as I did!

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