
Pros and Cons of Moving to Singapore with Children

Singapore is listed among the world’s top economies, meaning that it is a country with many job opportunities. The Singaporean government is committed towards economic growth, giving major trade incentives for various industries. The finance industry is particularly doing well and over the recent years it has attracted expats from all over the world. 

There are a lot of reasons why foreign expats prefer staying and working in Singapore. First of all, the Singaporean government does not bar foreigners from rendering their professional services in Singapore. Moreover, Singapore boasts a tropical climate, attractive sites, and multicultural ethnicity. This makes Singapore a popular destination for holiday visits. 

If you are planning to move to Singapore with children, you have to factor in the quality of education, level of healthcare systems, and whether the children will adapt in a new environment. In this article, we look at the pros and cons of moving to Singapore with children. 


The advantages of moving to the city state with children include:

Family friendly

This is perhaps the main reason why Singapore is one of the top tourist-attracting countries. It boasts museums, shopping centers, and restaurants, all of which are welcoming to children. Your family can also visit the Singapore zoo, various parks, and educational centers for fun. If you want to move to Singapore, you can apply for your visa online at

Quality education systems

The education level in Singapore is considered to be one of the best in the world. There are plenty of school offering an international curriculum. These schools will also enable your kids to quickly settle in and make new friends. 

International schools will help the children maintain consistency in their education. If your switch to Singapore is for a long period of time, then you can enroll your children in public schools, which are incredible and also require lower fees. 

Better healthcare systems

The Singaporean government has invested heavily in the healthcare sector. Once you are in Singapore, you will be assured that your family is in good hands in case a health issue arises. Once you become a permanent resident, you gain access to subsidized public healthcare.  Find top rated NDIS supported speech pathology in Singapore.


The following are some of the cons of moving to Singapore with children:

Cost of living

This is the greatest challenge that expats who move to Singapore face. A lot of things are costly, even basic stuff like groceries. On top of that, you receive high monthly bills and the luxury of consuming alcohol will not be available if your income is limited. 

For the past couple of years, Singapore has been constantly ranked as one of the most expensive countries to live in. This should be a major consideration before you decide to move to Singapore with a family. The majority of the income is spent on education and accommodation. 


Singapore boasts a tropical climate, but unfortunately, this does not last all year long. For the better part of the year, the weather is hot and humid, which can sometimes be unbearable. During the hottest months, stepping outside even becomes difficult. One of the major health risks that your family can face is sunburn and dehydration. 


Singapore is a family-friendly city. Once you move in, it is easy for your family to integrate with the residents. On top of that, you do not have to worry about the education of your children as there are a lot of reputable schools. You are, however, advised to start looking for a school for your children as soon as possible because of competition for places in the classroom.

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