
Creating Ageless Skin with the Right Skincare and Wellness Routine

Let's face it: as you grow older, your skin won't be as supple as it used to be. If you add all the time you've been in the sun, all the activity you've done in dirty or dusty environments, and all the hours that you've allowed your skin to go dry, then you shouldn't be surprised if wrinkles are beginning to appear. 

If you notice wrinkles and fine lines becoming more prominent despite your efforts, it’s high time to evaluate your current skincare routine. Rather than accept what you think is inevitable, it is recommend switching to the use of top-notch skincare products to slow down skin ageing.

The healthy glow

Top-notch skincare products like SkinCeuticals Phloretin CF contain nourishing ingredients that impart a revitalising effect to keep the skin  free from signs of skin ageing. Certain nutrients extracted from plants such as apple tree leaves and Manchurian apricots slow down the ageing process due to their potent antioxidant content. Natural plant extracts combined with skincare essential vitamins such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E boost collagen and elastin production resulting in silky smooth skin that glows from within.

Protects against the sun 

Aside from being an excellent antioxidant, vitamin C boosts the skin's defence against harmful UV rays. With daily use, it promises to keep your skin softer, smoother, and more supple. 

Minimises blemishes 

When applied externally, vitamin C-based skincare formulas are known to help repair skin imperfections, such as age spots, wrinkles, skin lesions, cuts, and wounds. This anti-wrinkle formula is designed to be easily absorbed so that it can hydrate and reinvigorate your skin from the inside out. Other anti-ageing ingredients such as vitamin E, retinol, and ferulic acid are potent antioxidants that help diminish signs of skin fatigue brought about by exposure to harsh external elements. 

Eliminates free radicals 

Anti-ageing skincare products containing vitamin C are breakthrough products due to their high efficacy in neutralising free radical damage, perhaps more effectively than any other product available on the market. It features all three key ingredients at higher concentrations to deliver noticeable anti-ageing results faster. This skincare bestseller from SkinCeuticals also enhances your skin's protective qualities by infusing high doses of antioxidants that eliminate the free radicals that come with ageing. 

Hydrating the skin with the right ingredients

Anti-ageing ingredients like vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, and phenols are added to enhance the absorption and efficacy vitamin C in diminishing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet, and other skin ageing signs. With its ability to stimulate faster skin cell turnover, vitamin C-infused skincare products will bring you a brighter, more luminous complexion. Lastly, vitamin C is also known for its  healing properties that allow your skin to rejuvenate from previous damage, such as permanent scars that tend to stay on your skin for years at a time. 

Final thoughts

Vitamin C is the ultimate anti-ageing skincare ingredient for those looking to slow down the hands of time. Before including vitamin C-based skincare products into your routine, it is recommended to first seek your dermatologist's advice to determine whether you are allergic to their ingredients or not.


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