
How to Keep Restless Hands Busy

 You may have heard the phrase that the devil makes work for idle hands, and while Benjamin Franklin may have been correct at one stage, idle hands can lead to mischief. Whether you are recovering from an illness and you are taking time off work, or you are simply trying to fill the time with a new hobby, sometimes you just need to keep your restless hands busy. When was the last time you decided to do something new? When was the last time you decided to use your hands for something exciting?

Finding busy things to do may take up your time but this is the whole point. Whether you decide to buy material from Crochet Australia and learn how to crochet, or you decide to join a local group and take up knitting, keeping your restless hands busy is going to stop you from dipping your hands into things you shouldn’t be doing. If you are on your sobriety journey right now, then you know the feeling of restless hands, but each to go back to your substance. Instead of worrying about that, focus your energies on finding ways to keep your hands as busy as possible. We’ve got some suggestions for you below.

Image source: Pexels

  • Knitting and crochet. We’ve already touched on these ones, but they are such simple things to learn that it’s one of the best things that you can do if you’re feeling restless. Instead of your fingers picking up a joint or a needle, you can pick up another kind of needle – a crochet needle. You can find patterns or you can simply start with simple things like blankets and scuffs. You can eat outfits and jumpers for the winter and you could even cover the entire bed with a new knitted blanket if that’s what you choose to do. It’s simple once you get the hang of it just requires some focus and that’s the whole point. Watching YouTube videos on how to knit is important but you could also join groups and other activity play centers to learn how to do it. It will keep your hands busy and keep your mind busy at the same time

  • Join a new sport. Sports that make use of your hands such as tennis, baseball, and basketball are brilliant for those who feel restless. You could even join an amateur bowling team and learn how to bowl properly. Not only will you be in an environment that you’re not going to feel tempted to diverge from your sobriety journey, you’re going to be able to keep your hands feeling something that’s not what you’re actually craving. You also stay active, which is so important for a healthy lifestyle.

  • Start journaling. You don’t have to be a poet or a writer to be able to put pen to journal and write down how you feel. It can be some of the most honest, raw words you ever write, but it will keep your hands busy. Whether you are using a recovery journal or a creative story, poetry or songs, writing or keeping your mind busy and keeping your hands busy at the same time. The beauty here is that you also get to be creative and you have a choice of pens in different shapes and feels to make your hands feel good.

  • Take a painting class. If you love art, and you can appreciate the beauty in the breaststroke, why not take up a painting class and learn how to do it yourself? You can then buy the materials that you need to be able to create beautiful imagery. These are activities that can come and distract from physical restlessness. When you hold a brush or a sponge in your hand, you are in control of something rather than it being in control of you. If painting isn’t your thing, then how about learning to draw? There are plenty of animation videos on YouTube but you can learn to draw like an animator and you can put comics together. Perhaps you could combine this with journaling and draw about your experiences and add some comedy humor too.

  • Play cards. You can do this as a group or you can do this on your own, and if you feel like being alone and solitaire or matching can keep your hands busy. Even the simple act of shuffling cards can help you to feel calm and collected. If you need social interaction, there are plenty of cold games up there that can help.

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