
How to Get Your Yard Ready for the Spring

Spring is a beautiful time of year. The birds start to sing, the flowers start blooming, and the grass starts to turn green. Unfortunately, if you don’t take a few steps to prepare your yard for springtime, you might find yourself dealing with some nasty surprises when warm weather finally arrives. Luckily, getting your yard ready for spring doesn’t have to be overwhelming! In this blog post, we’re going to take a look at some key simple tips to help you make it happen.

Clean Up Debris

Before you can begin any other yard work, you need to get rid of all the debris that has accumulated over the winter months. Leaves, branches, and twigs should all be removed from your lawn and either composted or discarded. If there is still snow covering parts of your lawn, use a rake or leaf blower to remove it so newly-emerging plants will have plenty of space to grow. Once all the debris has been cleared away from your lawn and garden beds, give everything a good sweep before moving on.

Aerate Your Lawn

Aeration is an important step in prepping your lawn for springtime growth. Aerating involves punching small holes into the soil with either a core aerator or a spike aerator; this allows air and water to penetrate deep into the ground and helps promote strong root development in plants. If you don’t want to purchase an aerator, many landscaping companies offer rental services at relatively low prices. This will help you to ensure it starts to get healthier.

Fertilize Your Soil

Once you’ve finished aerating your lawn (or if you decide not to do it at all), it’s time to fertilize! Fertilizer adds essential nutrients back into the soil and helps grass absorb water more effectively as it begins its growing season. For best results, choose a fertilizer specifically designed for lawns—generic plant fertilizers won’t provide enough nitrogen for optimal grass growth during springtime.

Tidy Up Your Entertaining Space

Taking some time to spruce up your patio or decking area can make a huge difference. Start by pressure washing the patio or decking area. Then, any furniture should be given a thorough clean with warm, soapy water and allowed to air dry regardless of its material. Cobwebs should be removed from ceilings and walls, and dead plants or weeds should be cleared away so that they won't ruin the appearance of the space. Finally, you should refresh any outdoor décor with items such as plant pots full of colourful flowers for added vibrancy.

Making Sure Your Yard is Spring-Ready!

With just a bit of effort now, you can set yourself up for success later by ensuring that your yard is ready for springtime growth! Clean up debris from your lawn before beginning any other yard work; then consider aerating and fertilizing your soil so that freshly-sprouting plants can reach their full potential as they come into bloom this season. Then, it’s all about getting your entertaining space spring-ready too! Follow these easy steps and soon enough you'll be enjoying lush green grasses and vibrant blooms in no time.

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