Easy Rain Drop Craft

Spring is here and we have been trying to make the best of the rainy days that comes with the season. Harper and I thought a raindrop craft would be the perfect way to spend the last rainy day we had. This was perfect for my 3 year old. Oh, who are we kidding?! I had a lot of fun with it too. I mean, there is glitter involved!

This craft was so easy, yet so engaging!
All you need is:
A pair of scissors
A few sheets of blue paper

Begin by cutting a drop shape 

Next have your toddler or preschooler liberally apply glue to the paper.

Next, invite the child to shake some glitter on the drop!

And there you have a way to add a little sparkle to any rainy day, regardless of the season!

This was a 5 minute craft, it took very little time to assemble, but it completely engaged my little one! We love easy paper crafts for those hey, let's make a craft moments.