Creepy Eye Sorting Bag

This creepy eye sensory bag is perfect for squishy Halloween color sorting.

Keeping the kids entertained, engaged, and learning is my goal these days. It can be a challenge; the kids are tired of being at home, playing with the same toys, and hearing me ask if anyone wants  to read a book together every couple of moments.

Last week, I was standing around looking at my craft supplies, feeling totally uninspired. I really wanted to give the kids some busy work, but didn't want to make myself too busy putting it together. A simple sorting sensory bag was exactly what they needed. And this one is perfect for fall, or anytime of the year.

Hair Gel; clear
Googly Eyes in assorted colors
Permanent Markers
Large Zipper Seal Bag

Draw circles with permanent markers that match the colors of eyes you will be using.
Add 2 tablespoons, or 2 generous squeezes of clear hair gel to a zipper seal bag.

Add googly eyes.
Seal the bag.

Offer the bag to your child.
Encourage your child to move to eyes to their coordinating circle.

This is a great combination of sensory and color matching.
If you want to add an additional challenge to this activity, you could draw more circles in assorted sizes and encourage the kids to coordinate the googly eyes by size.

If you had fun with this creepy eye sorting sensory bag you won't want to miss these sensory play ideas.
Reader favorites include:

Popcorn Candle DIY

Fall is on the way and I am itching to decorate, bake and savor the cooler weather and the bounty of last of the season produce that I will scout out in the coming weeks! This year I want to keep my decorations for autumn simple and my costs at a minimum. I am gathering inspiration from nature to make my home feel warm, inviting and seasonal.

I have been experimenting with natural supplies to create stunning additions to my decor. This super simple candle holder is perfect for adding something naturally lovely to your home this fall on even the tightest budget!

All you need is a bag of popcorn kernels and a LED tealight and a clear glass candle holder.

Simply fill the candleholder with popcorn kernels then add a battery operated tea light!

I made a short facebook video to show you how lovely this is. I love the simple touch of natural beauty this easy project offers. You could also wrap a simple burlap ribbon around the candleholder also to add another sweet touch to the finished product.

12+ Fall Mason Jar Crafts

Mason Jars are fantastic for storage, but did you know they are also a favorite supply for crafters? 
This collection of 12+ Fall Mason Jar Crafts has fabulous ideas. I have a feeling you are going to love these ideas for how to use mason jars in your fall crafting sessions.

From lovely luminaries to mason jars that look like Indian corn, this collection has ideas for everyone. I can't wait to hear which is your favorite. 

Fall Leaf Mason Jar Luminaries by Create Craft Love
Fall Pine Cone Mason Jars by Pillar Box Blue
Fall Mason Jars by Crafts by Amanda
Hanging Fall Mason Jars by Live Laugh Rowe
Fall Leaf Mason Jar Candle Holders by Creative Homemaking
Fall Mason Jar Centerpiece by DIY Beautify
Plaid Painted Mason Jars by Daily DIY Life
Mason Jar Centerpiece with Burlap Rosettes by Oh My Creative
Fall Themed Mason Jars by My Turn For Us
Glittery Pumpkin Mason Jars by The Best Ideas for Kids
Scarecrow Mason Jars by Easy Peasy Fun
Fall Harvest Corn Mason Jar by Thrifty Jinxy

You can find more mason jar ideas here.
Some of our favorite fall crafts include:

How to Keep Your Home in Top Condition

Your home is your castle, your sanctuary, and because of that, you should do everything you can to make sure it is in the best condition possible. This ranges from ensuring it is secure (click here to learn more), to keeping up with maintenance. Few things make a home more uncomfortable to live in than nagging faults, not to mention that leaving these faults unchecked can cost you in the future when it’s time to sell. Much like servicing a car, it is important to complete frequent maintenance tasks on your home. However, the difficulty with that is knowing what to look for. Read on for a guide on what to do to keep your home in good order. 

Change out HVAC filters monthly

Your HVAC filters, used in your home’s heating, ventilation, or cooling system, collect impurities in the air to improve the air quality in your home. Due to this, these can get really dirty pretty quickly, especially if you are a bigger family with pets.

If you’re living on your own, then you can get away with replacing these every few months, but it’s always worth inspecting them frequently just to be sure. It’s also a good rule of thumb to get cheaper filters instead of more expensive ones, as this will save you money, considering you’re going to be replacing them frequently regardless of quality.

Look after your home’s financial health

Keeping track of your home’s finances is just as important as looking after it physically. This is because staying on top of these finances can help you pay off your mortgage quicker, giving you better peace of mind. Taking stock of your monthly repayments, and budgeting around them can be really beneficial as this can help you avoid costly debts piling up, which would be a slippery slope and could force you to foreclose your home if these debts get too unmanageable.

Test smoke alarms and carbon dioxide detectors

These alarms and detectors are vital for your safety, so it’s important to test them at least quarterly to ensure that they’re working properly. Testing fire alarms should be simple, as most have a test button. If the alarm sounds, then you’re good, but if not you may have to change the batteries. If it still doesn’t work with new batteries, clean the battery terminal, as corrosion may be interfering with the connection. If it’s still not working, then you’ll need to replace the whole unit. It’s also worth replacing a fire alarm every 10 years, regardless of whether it’s working or not.

Vacuum your refrigerator coils

This task should be done at least twice a year, and is a good way to make sure one of your most important home appliances is working correctly. The coils can gather dust and other yucky substances over time, making them perform less efficiently, resulting in higher energy consumption to keep your produce chilled. Cleaning coils can

Deep clean your home

Allocating a couple of days a year to give your home a really good clean can really help it stay clean and in top condition. This type of clean is really intense, as you focus on appliances, windows, and dusting everywhere, basically focusing on areas of your house that you skip when you clean regularly. By doing this and not letting grime build up over the years you will maintain your home in top condition.

12+ Tree Crafts for Kids

 Fall is near and I am super excited about crafting with my kids! We love to display our work around the house and add a festive touch to our decor.  If you are looking for some cute as can be ways to craft trees with the kids, you are in the right spot! i found 12+ Tree Crafts for Kids to share with you.

Click through the links to check out the tutorials. There are some really fun ideas on this list; for all ages and skill levels. 


Puzzle Piece Tree
Torn Paper Trees
Autumn Splatter Trees
Leaf Stamped Trees
Dish Brush Trees
Twig Paintings
Pumpkin Seed Tree Art
Hand-print Fall Tree Project
Fingerprint Autumn Trees
Autumn Button Branch
Fall Tree Sun-catchers
Tree Silhouette Place-mats

Which of these ideas do you think your kids would love the most? If you have a tree craft I would love to hear about it in a comment! 

You can find all of our favorite kids crafts for fall here