How to Make Money By Being Yourself

Were you that kid at the grocery store—the one always making friends with the butcher, cashier and customers on the other aisles? Did you participate in every sport, extracurricular activity and school-sponsored event—not because you were good at them, but because other people would be there? Do you live by the expression "never met a stranger" and consider everyone you meet to be a future friend?
Chances are you're an extrovert. And studies show, that's a good thing when it comes to money-making potential. If you're a naturally sociable, energetic and expressive kind of person, here are a few ways you can use your personality to make more money:
Direct Sales
If you are looking for a flexible job that involves interacting with people while setting your own hours, direct sales is a great option. You can do this either as a side gig or full-time job—either way, you typically sell exclusive products that cannot be found in any mall or store to customers.

For example, Amway is a reputable company that relies on extroverts like you to sell its products as Independent Business Owners. What is Amway and what does the company offer? Started in 1959, the American-based direct selling company has expanded its health, home and beauty products to global markets. Headliners include vitamins and supplements, skincare and cosmetics, home cleaning products and energy drinks. It is a low-cost and low-risk job opportunity, and you can leverage that outgoing personality of yours to make money on the side.
Physical Therapists
If you like the idea of helping people who have been injured or have other health issues to recover and get back on their feet—often literally—a physical therapist job may be ideal. The job is ideal for outgoing people because it requires outstanding interpersonal skills that involve working closely with people who are in pain. Your communication skills will be used throughout the day when you are encouraging your patients to do certain stretches and exercises as well as speaking with the patient’s family and other caregivers.
Help Desk Technician
Tech jobs often inspire images of people working alone in their cubicles, hunched over their computers coding and creating software for hours. Actually, if you enjoy tech related work, there are a number of jobs that blend needed tech skills with plenty of human interaction. For instance, a help desk technician job involves working with either co-workers and/or people who call in with problems with their tech devices like computers, mobile devices and online systems. The job involves lots of talking to other people, asking questions and solving complex problems, so being an extrovert who doesn’t shy away from communicating with strangers will definitely be a benefit.
Tips and Tools on Finding Work
If you Google “Best Jobs for Extroverts” you will find plenty of jobs and articles devoted to this topic, including some by employment websites like Jooble . This is a great way to start the job search process and see if any of the suggested positions match your interests and experience. You can also attend networking events in your area; be sure to ask not only about the job duties and benefits, but overall culture of the company.
Enjoy that New Job!
Whether you want a part-time job, something you can do from home, or a 40 hour a week position, there are plenty of solid options for extroverts. By looking for something that naturally encourages your ability to speak to others—including direct sales, health care, certain IT jobs and more—and doing some networking along the way, you will be sure to find a job that fits you and your friendly personality very well.

4 Ways Toxic Relationships can be Damaging to Your Health

 Do you have a toxic relationship in your life? If so, it's time to take a step back and assess the damage that it's doing. A toxic relationship can be extremely damaging to your health, both physically and emotionally. This blog post will discuss four ways that a toxic relationship can hurt your health. Keep reading to learn more!

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1) A toxic relationship can cause physical health problems

If you're in a toxic relationship, you may find that your physical health suffers as a result. For example, you may experience more headaches, stomachaches, and other physical ailments due to the stress of the situation. In extreme cases, a toxic relationship can even lead to an increased risk for heart disease and other serious health problems.

It has been found that women who were in abusive relationships were more likely to suffer from chronic health problems like migraines and gastrointestinal issues than women who were not in abusive relationships. The stress of being in a toxic relationship can also lead to weight gain or loss, insomnia, and fatigue. If you're noticing that your physical health has deteriorated since being in a toxic relationship, it's time to take action.

2) A toxic relationship can lead to anxiety and depression

If you're in a toxic relationship, you may find that your physical health suffers as a result. For example, you may experience more headaches, stomachaches, and other physical ailments due to the stress of the situation. If your partner has had unprotected sex with other people (which is a fairly common occurrence in toxic relationships), you may have unknowingly picked up an STD, so it may be worth going for an std blood test and getting yourself checked out to make sure that this is not the case. In extreme cases, a toxic relationship can even lead to an increased risk for heart disease and other serious health problems.

Toxic relationships can also trigger or worsen existing mental health conditions, such as bipolar disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Therefore, if you have a history of mental illness, it's important to be extra careful about getting involved in a toxic relationship.

3) A toxic relationship can damage your self-esteem

One of the most damaging effects of a toxic relationship is the toll it takes on your self-esteem. In a healthy relationship, you should feel good about yourself and be supported by your partner. But in a toxic relationship, you may find yourself constantly second-guessing yourself and doubting your worth.

A toxic partner may belittle you, criticize you, or make you feel like you're not good enough. This can lead to serious problems with self-confidence and self-image. If you don't feel good about yourself, it's challenging to achieve success in other areas of your life.

4) A toxic relationship can lead to substance abuse

Another common effect of a toxic relationship is substance abuse. When people are in pain or struggling to deal with difficult emotions, they may turn to drugs or alcohol to cope. Unfortunately, this can quickly turn into an addiction, which can ruin your health, your relationships, and your life.

If you're in a toxic relationship, it's important to be on the lookout for signs of substance abuse. These include changes in mood or behavior, withdrawal from friends and activities, and financial problems. If you're concerned that you or your partner may be abusing substances, it's important to seek help from a professional rehab center.

Toxic relationships can have a serious impact on your health. If you're in a toxic relationship, it's important to reach out for help. There are many resources available to you, including hotlines, counseling, and support groups. So don't suffer in silence - get the help you need to escape the situation.

Coping with an Unplanned Pregnancy

 If you have found out that you are pregnant and it is not something you planned, you may be feeling a range of emotions. You may feel scared, confused, or alone. However, it is essential to remember that you are not alone. There are millions of women who have faced an unplanned pregnancy. This blog post will provide some tips on coping with this life-changing event.

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It Is Okay To Be In Shock

The first thing to do is give yourself time to process the news. It is common to feel in shock when you find out that you are pregnant, especially if it was not planned. This is a life-changing event, and it will take time to adjust. Next, give yourself time to grieve if you need to. It is okay to feel scared, sad, or angry. These are all normal emotions to feel.

Allow Yourself To Feel All The Emotions

You may feel like you are on an emotional roller coaster. You may be feeling happy and excited about the pregnancy, and the next minute, you may feel scared and alone. This is normal. It is essential to allow yourself to handle all of the emotions. Don’t try to bottle them up. Talk to your partner, a friend, or a counsellor if you need to.

Talk To Someone Who Has Been Through It

If you know someone who has been through an unplanned pregnancy, talk to them about it. They can provide you with support and understanding. In addition, it can be helpful to hear from someone who has been through a similar experience.

Get Information On Pregnancy And Parenting

If you feel scared or alone, it can be helpful to get information on pregnancy and parenting. There are many resources available online and at your local library. This can help you to feel more prepared for what is ahead.

Join A Support Group

There are many support groups available for women who have unplanned pregnancies. This can be a great way to meet other women going through the same thing. It can also be helpful to talk to someone who is impartial and can offer advice. For example, Embrace Grace is a great organization that provides support and resources for women who have unplanned pregnancies.

Talk To Your Partner

It is important to talk to them about your pregnancy if you have a partner. They may be feeling just as scared and alone as you are. It is essential to communicate openly with each other and support each other through this time.

Talk To Your Doctor

It is also important to talk to your doctor about your pregnancy. They can provide you with information on what to expect and how to care for yourself during pregnancy. They can also refer you to resources and support groups if you need them.

The Bottom Line

An unplanned pregnancy can be a scary and confusing time. However, you are not alone. There are many resources and support groups available to help you through this time. It is crucial to allow yourself to feel all emotions and communicate openly with your partner. If you need more information or support, talk to your doctor or join a support group.

Playing Online Games: What You Should Know As A Parent

 As a parent, you will have most likely seen or heard your child play a video game. This could even be a daily occurrence in some cases. You may have some concerns, or you simply may not know how to talk to them about them. This article will go over some general safety tips and talk about the different types of games out there, what you could play yourself, and even take a look at some of the benefits before looking to the future. Read on to get started.

Safety Tips

As a parent, you should have a rough idea of what device your child uses for gaming, as there will be safety features you should be aware of.

For example, if they play on a console, you may be able to enable some parental controls to help keep them safe online. Some devices, such as pcs and laptops, may be harder to control access and content. It’s a similar story with mobile phones. You should ensure that your children know how to use a phone, if they have one.

If they are playing a range of different games online, then you should try to talk to them more about what they’re up to. If you show enthusiasm for what they’re playing, you may be able to relate more to what they’re up to every day and provide more relevant safety advice. You should try to learn more about your children and their hobbies to know how to communicate with them in an effective way. 

Different Genres Of Games

What you should know about online games is that they come in a variety of different genres, available on multiple platforms. This usually means that there is something out there for everyone, so it’s worth looking into what games could suit your children, the family, or yourself. This can be anything from car games like Drift Hunters 2 to games like Call of Duty.It’s important to note that games aren’t just for children. You could find some games to play yourself that give you a much-needed break from your responsibilities and give you the time to relax and recharge.

If you’ve never done any online games before, you should think about what games you enjoyed when you were younger, as that could help define what sort of games you play now that you’re an adult. If you have a mobile phone, then it’s likely you can already get started with some online games, in a way that’s easier than you think. You could take a look at your app store, whether you’ve got an Android phone or Apple, or you could look at a range of browser-based games.

You may be able to find some online games that are similar games to what you know in the physical world. For example, you may be able to play board games online with people, or even play online casino games. There will be online casinos that are just for fun, with no stakes, and you will be able to win money from others. Take a look at Play Live Casino to find a range of slot games that could interest you online. You could play alone or with others to enhance your experience.

Educational Benefits For Games

It’s worth being aware that some games, especially online games, can give you more educational benefits. This could be for yourself, or it could be for your children. First and foremost, online games have the potential to improve your social skills, and even improve your communication skills at the same time.

With some other genres of games, you may also be able to learn more about history. For example, you could be playing a game set during a certain time period, which helps boost your knowledge of that part of history.

Some games will also help you improve your maths skills. They may not do this directly, they may just be something you have to figure out in order to complete another main part of the game. Many games also use logic puzzles, which can provoke you to think more and make you think more creatively about how to solve problems. 

The Future Of Online Games

The future of online gaming is yet to be known for sure. However, it is known that there is potential for the growth of online gaming across the world. It’s just going to be perhaps sooner than people expected.

For example, one of the latest trends coming towards gaming, seems to be virtual reality. This is not the first time virtual reality has tried to be successful in the online gaming world. Sony and Microsoft have tried to promote virtual reality with their gaming consoles a few generations ago. However, it could be argued that the market, and indeed the world, was not quite ready for them.

Now, we have companies such as Facebook, or Meta, trying to bring this back. You will most likely have heard about the metaverse, which is a way of blending reality into the virtual world, with gaming leading the way. Keep an eye on this industry, and as a parent, ensure you know what your children are doing in games, and cast a careful eye over their activities.

4 Reasons to Be More Tech Literate If You Work From Home 

As fun and refreshing as working remotely can be, it can also come with its share of issues. You don’t get the same camaraderie with your houseplants as you do with your coworkers, at least most of the time, anyway. But another significant issue is tech issues. No matter who you are, tech issues can occur at any time, and it’s usually when you want them to happen the least. As you don’t have tech support on hand, it benefits you to be as tech literate as possible. 

It Will Save You Money 

Tech repair companies have a wealth of specialist knowledge that drives people to run to them whenever they have a computer problem. However, these can sometimes be costly, especially if you factor in parts and labor after the initial consultation. 

Knowing what to do if your startup disk is damaged or if your battery capacity has dropped significantly can save you a lot of money. You can repair and replace these issues by yourself by following helpful videos online. 

It Will Save You Frustration

A damaged device is bound to cause frustration. It could be too slow or it may struggle to stay connected to your wifi. Rather than consider whether it’s worth throwing your laptop out of the window (it isn’t) you should learn how to diagnose and fix these common problems to ensure you can avoid any downtime. 

There may be some issues that are entirely out of your control, but if you know you can do everything possible to avoid common problems, you won’t have as much to worry about. 

It Keeps Your Information Safe 

Everyone thinks they are smart enough to spot a scam when they see it, but the reality is far different. Many people still fall victim to common online scams or tricks, so knowing how to recognize phishing emails among other threats is crucial. 

The more you know about what type of scams to look out for, the less likely you are to fall for one. It only takes one careless mistake to put all of your personal (as well as family and client) information at risk, so make sure you are careful. 

You Can Help Your Kids 

It isn’t just you that will benefit from being more tech literate. Learning about computers can also help your kids once they are old enough for you to feel comfortable about encouraging them to use technology for almost anything in their lives. 

By teaching your kids the basics of computer maintenance and repair, you ensure they are more prepared than you were at their age. This could even spark a passion for computers that directs them into a career where they will thrive. 

Tech Smart 

You don’t need to know how to take your computer apart and put it back together, but knowing a little more than the average person will save you time, money, and frustration and even give you the chance to pass your knowledge on to your kids. By getting to know your devices, you will be more confident and comfortable and never need to worry about downtime again.