7 Delicious Ways to Stay Hydrated

The days are getting warmer. Let's cool off with an infused water recipe that will hydrate you and offer a delicious fruity flavor to your summer days!

Infused Water Recipes

Infused water is the perfect way to beat the heat while adding a delicious touch of flavor to your summer drinks. These recipes are some of my favorites and I couldn't wait to share them with you. With recipes as easy and delicious as these, drinking more water is just a tasty sip away

Strawberry Basil Lime Water
Kiwi Blackberry Water
Chia Lime Water
Cucumber Watermelon Mint
Apple Cinnamon Detox Water
Cucumber Lemon Water
Strawberry Lemon Water

If you love infused water but haven't made it at home, you will want to take note of these tips.

  1. Always wash your fruits and veggies prior to adding them to water.
  2. Allow them to soak overnight for the best flavor.
  3. Don't be afraid to add herbs to your infused water!

Which of these is your favorite? Do you ever make infused water to keep your family hydrated? I would love to hear what fruits you like to include!

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