Showing posts with label home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home. Show all posts

30 Days to Move : Day 3

The clock is ticking, we have 27 days to move. Today I had a few boxes from the attic and I set out on a mission to be as productive as I could. I wanted to begin sorting things out, deciding what could be parted with and packing up some of the items.

I started with our blankets and sheets. I decided that I would keep 2 sets of queen size sheets, 1 full size and 2 crib sheets out. I kept 3 quilts and 3 baby blankets out as well. Everything else went into a huge box. We have a washer and dryer, so this was an adequate amount of bedding to keep out for use. 

After packing the blankets and sheets away. I had my children help me pack up some of their stuffed animals. We put these into a soft case under the bed organizer, this has made it super easy for the toys that they decide they really really want to play with that have already been packed. I can find them at a glance.Yes, when you are spending the days with the 4 and under crowd and moving, tears for favorite toys will flow. Trust me, when the goods get boxed up, suddenly the favorite toy title applies to at least 945 toys.

On Day 3 of 30 Days to Move. I also placed the clothes hangers from the previous day in reusable shopping bags and tied the handles to hold the hangers in.

My husband returned from work to see a big pile of stuff with a sign taped to the wall that said STUFF TO MOVE.

I took time to browse the listed rentals for my area, send messages as needed and cross my fingers for a good outcome in all of this.

30 Days to Move : Day 2

On Day 2 of Your 30 Days to Move you need to drive around and look for potential rentals. Photograph the For Rent sign as well as a picture of the house. This well help you keep track of what house you have called about. I also texted these photos along with the phone number and address to my husband. This helped me keep track of what I found without getting mixed up when it came time to call the owners.

After gathering a few phone numbers, it is time to prepare to pursue the rentals. Listen up folks, trying to rent a house or an apartment is kind of like going for a job interview. You have to present yourself well. You want to be seen as a person that will be easy to deal with should issues arise, you need to give the impression that you will keep the property clean and that you will pay your rent. The first impression you will make will be on the phone. Get yourself ready to make the calls. Get a smile on your face, as a smile can be heard in your voice. Call the numbers, take notes, make appointments to view the property.

After doing your scouting and calling, it is time to start thinking about packing. Start in one room. I started with my sons closet. I sorted his clothes into things that he won't be able to wear next year, winter clothes, and the clothes he will actually wear over the next 29 days. I put the outgrown clothes in a bag for Goodwill. I packed winter clothes into a box. I placed his current wardrobe back into the closet. I did the same with my daughters closet.

It doesn't sound like much, but it sure was! I had 2 boxes packed and 2 bags of outgrown clothes for Goodwill. This also results in less laundry to worry about with kids. I considered this a win. Considering I didn't really intend to pack anything.

If you do not have boxes on hand, you might want to call your local gas station or grocery store. Ask if they have empty boxes available or when they will have boxes after an order. There really is no reason to pay for boxes! Just ask around and you will have more than you can use in no time.

30 Days To Move : Day 1

A new chapter in my life is ready to begin. I got the call that the house I have rented for the past 5 years has been sold... we have 30 days to find a new house and make the move.

To say I am overwhelmed is an understatement. But, one step at a time, the evidence of our life here will be packed away and loaded into a moving truck.

I hope that by sharing my 30 Days to Move series I can connect with new readers, share my tips, tricks and errors and make your move, if you find yourself in a similar situation, as stress free as possible.

On Day 1 you might be a hot mess. Filled with a variety of emotions. From anger at the change in your situation, to panic about what to do, where to begin. 

After getting the news that you need to move, the first thing to do is allow yourself about 20 minutes to get yourself together.  Let your emotions play out for a few minutes. Breathe. Get it all out, cry if you need to. Call a friend and get your news off your chest. Someone to listen to you as you feel like the bottom is dropping out makes a huge difference.

Now- 20 minutes are up! Dry your tears, check your anger. This is not the time to worry, panic or act crazy. This is the time to begin a new thought process. A forward thinking thought process. Like it or not, you will be moving. Nothing will change that in most cases. Instead of dwelling on it, stewing over it or going into denial, this is the time to make a plan.

The first step is to browse classified ads, check out the newspaper, craigslist and groups on facebook. Scout out the options online. This will let you know what the average price of rent is and you can get a feel for what is being offered at what prices. Consider this research. As internet savvy as I am, there has only been one rental that I found online that I actually rented. This may have to do with the region I live in. I am not sure. I do think that to find a great place to live, you actually have to get out and look.

After browsing what is available online, prepare yourself to head out and scope out the rentals in your town. This is as easy to do as driving by and actively seeking out FOR RENT signs. Plan to do this on Day 2 of 30.

You have had a crazy day. If you have researched online and got your emotions under control, it is time to take a break. Don't stress or worry the rest of the day. Just keep your chin up, and rest. The next 29 days are going to be physically and emotionally taxing. Reserve as much energy as you can today.

Check back tomorrow to find out what I do on Day 2 of 30 Days to Move.

Washer and Dryer Update

Once upon a time I had a washer/dryer set. It was a cute little matching number, white, basic. Exactly what I needed. I can be no frills about some things, ya know.

Then the dryer bit the dust. It wasn't worth fixing when the parts and labor were added up. Lucky for me, my neighbor had an extra one in her basement and she said "Here, just take this one!" Then my washer followed suit and I bought a new one.

Well, I am thrilled to just have a washer and dryer! I had to use the laundromat for a week-ish when I waited on the washer and that is just not cool. Doing 10 loads of laundry or so at once is not how I like to spend a day! But, to be honest. I  was feeling a slight tinge of embarrassment over my blah washer and dryer.

That materialistic part of me debated getting a new set, I had justified it to myself, but the realist in me knew I wasn't really going to get a new set because they don't match. I live in the real world, have kids, bills and all of that, like everyone else.

Then an idea hit me.

I had a slew of cute decals that I have hesitated to put up in my house, knowing we hope to move in the near future. These were perfect for adding a little something to my washer and dryer that made them look like a pair, despite being different years and brands.

My son is really interested in cats, he thinks they are awesome. So while he was at school I did this.

My washer and dryer are pretty cute now, my kids got a huge thrill out of noticing the kitties in the laundry room and our cat gave us the purr of approval over our choice of decals.

How do you use decals in home decorating? I would love to hear ideas from you!

A Clean Home Challenge: Crock Pot Cleaning

I love my crock pot. I use it often! Several times a week I prepare something fantastic in my beloved crock pot. With a new baby I don't know how I would manage to prepare dinner without it. The last time I put my favorite small appliance to use I realized the interior was looking pretty funky and I made a note to clean it.

Now, how does one go about cleaning a crock pot? I saw a lot of suggestions online, from using a general cleaner, to using oxi clean, brillo pads and so on. I thought there had to be a less expensive way to maintain my crock pot so I kept searching. Someone suggested using a baking soda paste and I was anxious to try it. I had a box of baking soda in my pantry and the idea of cleaning without a harsh chemical really appealed to me.

This is what my crock pot looked like before I cleaned it.

I made a paste of 3 tablespoons of baking soda to 1 teaspoon of water.

                     Then I rubbed the paste into the base of the crock pot.

               Let this sit for about 20 minutes, then use a damp rag to wipe the baking soda off.

The baking soda scrubbed much of the dingy baked on mess out of the crock pot easily.

While the crock pot wasn't restored to its brand new splendor, it sure looked a lot better!

If you have very stubborn stains after the baking soda scrub you can apply dish soap to the stubborn baked on spots and let it set overnight. The dish soap will break up the baked on residue and will wipe off easily with a damp towel. My crock pot wasn't that bad so I didn't require this last step, but I feel confident it would work because If I have a baked on mess on any dishes this is the method I use. 

If your crock pot needs a good cleaning, this method will work well for you and it will only cost you pennies.
How do you keep your crock pot clean?