Showing posts with label Moving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moving. Show all posts

Balancing Work and Life During a Big Move


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Moving can be a challenging task, especially when you’re trying to juggle a demanding job and maintain a healthy work-life balance. In Huntsville, AL, a city known for its thriving job market and bustling community life, these challenges can feel even more intense. Ensuring a smooth transition while balancing work and personal life is crucial for your well-being and overall success.

Understanding the Challenges

Identifying Stress Factors

The first step in managing a big move is recognizing the common stressors involved. Packing up your life, coordinating logistics, and dealing with the emotional strain of leaving a familiar place can all take a toll. These stressors don’t just affect your personal life; they can spill over into your work, leading to decreased productivity and increased anxiety. Recognizing these stress factors early can help you develop strategies to mitigate their impact.

Time Management

Effective time management is essential during a move. Without a clear plan, you might find yourself scrambling to meet work deadlines while trying to pack up your home. Prioritizing tasks and avoiding last-minute rushes can make a significant difference.

Break down each task into manageable steps and assign deadlines to ensure everything gets done on time. This approach will help you stay organized and reduce the likelihood of important tasks slipping through the cracks.

Utilizing Professional Help

Benefits of Hiring Movers

Hiring professional movers can significantly reduce the stress and workload associated with a big move. Professional movers have the experience and expertise to handle your belongings safely and efficiently. They can take care of all the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of the move.

You can save time and energy by hiring local Huntsville movers, making it easier to balance your work and personal life. Professional movers can also provide valuable advice and support throughout the moving process, ensuring that everything goes smoothly.

Planning Ahead

Creating a Moving Timeline

One of the best ways to manage a move is by creating a detailed moving timeline. This timeline should include all the steps involved in the move, from notifying your landlord or real estate agent to packing, hiring movers, and unpacking in your new home.

Start planning your move at least two months in advance. Start by going through your possessions to determine what to keep, donate, or throw away. This decluttering process simplifies packing and decreases the amount of stuff you need to transport. Once you’ve decluttered, start packing non-essential items, leaving daily necessities for last.

Having a clear timeline ensures that you won’t have to deal with overlapping work deadlines and moving tasks. It also provides a sense of control and reduces the stress associated with last-minute preparations.

Involving the Family

Moving is not just a one-person job. Involve your family in the process to lighten the load and make the experience more manageable. Delegating tasks to family members can help distribute the workload and ensure that everything gets done efficiently.

Assign age-appropriate tasks to your children, such as packing their toys or organizing their belongings. This involvement can help them feel more engaged in the move and reduce their anxiety about the transition.

Balancing Work Responsibilities

Communicating with Employers

One of the most critical steps in balancing work and life during a big move is clear communication with your employer. Inform your supervisor or manager about your upcoming move as early as possible. This allows you to discuss potential adjustments to your work schedule, such as flexible hours or remote work options, which can help you manage your time more effectively.

Approach this conversation with a plan. Explain your situation, outline your proposed adjustments, and emphasize your commitment to maintaining productivity. Many employers are understanding and willing to accommodate such requests, especially if it means you can continue to meet your work responsibilities during this transitional period.

Staying Productive

Maintaining productivity during a move can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. One effective strategy is to create a temporary workspace that is free from the chaos of packing and moving. This could be a quiet corner of your home or even a nearby cafĂ© where you can focus on work without distractions.

Set work hours for yourself and stick to them as closely as possible. During these hours, focus solely on your job tasks, putting aside moving-related activities. Use productivity tools and apps to stay organized and manage your tasks efficiently. By maintaining a clear separation between work and moving activities, you can ensure that neither aspect suffers.

Managing Personal Well-being

Self-Care During the Move

Maintaining your physical and mental health is crucial for managing stress and staying productive during the moving process. Incorporate simple self-care routines into your daily schedule, such as short walks, meditation, or stretching exercises.

Eating well and getting enough sleep are also vital. Avoid the temptation to rely on fast food and instead, opt for nutritious meals that can keep your energy levels up. Make sure you’re getting at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night to help your body recover from the physical and mental demands of moving.

Staying Connected

Moving can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation, especially if you’re leaving behind a close-knit community or support network. Staying connected with friends and family can help mitigate these feelings and provide emotional support.

Use technology to your advantage. Schedule regular video calls, send updates through social media, and plan virtual hangouts with your loved ones. These connections can provide a sense of normalcy and remind you that you’re not alone during this challenging time.

Final Steps and Settling In

Unpacking and Organizing

Once you’ve arrived at your new home, the process of unpacking and organizing begins. Tackling this task efficiently can help you settle in more quickly and reduce the stress of living out of boxes. Start with the essentials, such as kitchen items and toiletries, and gradually move on to other areas of your home.

Create a plan for each room and prioritize based on your daily needs. For example, setting up your bedroom and kitchen first can help establish a routine and make your new house feel like home. Involve your family in the unpacking process to share the workload and make it a collaborative effort.


Moving is a significant life event that brings both challenges and opportunities. By approaching the process with a balanced perspective, you can manage your work responsibilities, maintain your well-being, and make the most of your new beginning. Embrace the change, look forward to new experiences, and remember that with careful planning and support, you can successfully navigate this transition.

Tips for Moving as a Single Parent


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Moving homes can be a daunting endeavor, especially for single parents. In New Jersey, where the pace can be fast and the surroundings ever-changing, the process may feel overwhelming. With the right preparation and support, however, relocating can also mark the beginning of an exciting new chapter for both you and your children. This guide offers practical tips tailored to the needs of single parents, aiming to make your move smoother and less stressful.

Start Planning Early

For single parents, thorough planning is crucial to a successful move. Begin by mapping out each step of the moving process well in advance. Create a detailed checklist of tasks to complete week by week leading up to the move. This might include sorting belongings, finalizing housing arrangements, setting up new school records, and scheduling moving services. Early planning not only keeps you organized but also reduces the last-minute rush that can add unnecessary stress.

Seek Reliable Moving Help

Moving on your own can be physically and emotionally taxing. It's important to find reliable help to ease the burden. Somerset County moving companies, for instance, offer a range of services tailored to fit the needs of single parents, from full packing and unpacking services to transportation and temporary storage. These professionals can handle the heavy lifting and logistical details, allowing you to focus on your family and other aspects of the move. Invest in a reputable service to ensure your belongings are handled with care and efficiency.

Involve Your Children

Including your children in the moving process can help them feel involved and might ease their anxiety about the change. Depending on their age, children can help pack their toys, choose items to donate, or plan the layout of their new room. This inclusion not only helps lighten your workload but also gives them a sense of control and participation. Discuss each step with them, use visual tools like calendars or planners to mark important dates, and listen to their input and concerns.

Declutter Before the Move

Decluttering before you start packing is essential. It reduces the amount of stuff you need to move, which can save time and money. Go through each room with your children and decide what to keep, sell, donate, or throw away. Selling items can be a useful way to raise additional funds for the move. Organize a garage sale or list items online. Donating items not only clears out space but also supports local charities and provides resources for other families in need.

Organize Important Documents

Keeping track of essential documents is vital during a move. Organize all important papers, such as birth certificates, legal documents, medical records, and school records, well before moving day. Store these documents in a secure, easily accessible place during the move. Consider making digital copies of the most important documents as a backup. This preparation will save you from frantic searches during the move and ensure you have all necessary paperwork at hand when you need it.

Establish a Support Network

Creating a strong support network is invaluable for single parents during a move. Reach out to friends, family members, and neighbors to ask for help when you need it—whether it's for packing, babysitting during moving day, or simply providing emotional support. Additionally, engage with community resources such as local parenting groups or online forums specific to your new area. These connections can provide practical advice, emotional support, and even friendship, which are crucial during and after the transition.

Pack an Essentials Bag

An essentials bag is a must-have for any move, especially when you’re managing the process alone with children. Pack a bag for each family member that includes items you will need for the first few days in your new home. This includes toiletries, a few changes of clothes, medications, chargers, snacks, and favorite toys or comfort items for your children. Having these essentials readily available will alleviate the stress of searching through boxes when you arrive, letting you focus on settling into your new space.

Communicate with Your Children's Schools

If you're moving to a new school district, it's important to handle the transfer of school records and inform both the old and new schools about your move. Start this process well before the move by contacting the current school to gather all necessary documentation and learning what the new school requires for enrollment. Facilitate an open line of communication between the schools to ensure a smooth transition. Discuss the move with your children as well, addressing any concerns they might have about changing schools and making new friends.

Manage Moving Day with Care

Moving day can be particularly hectic, and as a single parent, it’s important to manage the day with care to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible. Consider hiring babysitters or asking family members to help keep your children occupied and safe while you handle the logistics with the movers. Set clear tasks for the day and communicate effectively with everyone involved. By keeping your children engaged and having a clear plan for the day, you can minimize stress and make sure that everything goes according to plan.

Take Time to Settle In

Once the move is complete, take time to settle into your new home without rushing. Unpack essential items first and gradually set up each room to make your new space feel like home. It’s important to maintain routines to give your children a sense of stability. Allow yourself and your children to adjust at a comfortable pace, and explore your new community together. This can help everyone feel more at home and can create a positive start in your new environment.


Moving as a single parent involves a unique set of challenges, but with proper planning, organization, and support, it can be a manageable and even rewarding experience. By starting early, involving your children in the process, and ensuring you have the necessary support and essentials ready, you can ensure a smoother transition. Remember, each step you take in preparing for and executing your move not only helps in reducing stress but also sets the stage for a successful new beginning in your new home. Embrace the journey, knowing that each challenge overcome is a step towards a new chapter of opportunities for you and your children.

Expecting a Little One? To Move Before or After Your Bundle of Joy's Arrival


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A person standing in a garage with a lot of furniture

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Pregnancy is an extraordinary experience; sometimes, it is hard to believe that women can grow human beings, but while doing so, it is easy to get caught up in the world around you. If you are approaching an upcoming move amidst your pregnancy, you may rush to get as much done as possible before the baby arrives. Still, just as airline companies will cut you off at a certain point in your journey, you must consider what will be best for you and your growing family and what is most suitable for your health and safety.

When you seek out moving and storage in Houston, TX, you must have a company that will support your relocation process while observing the possible delicacies and intricacies of moving while expecting. The decision as to whether you choose to go through with it before the baby comes or after it arrives is entirely up to you, but evaluating the pros and cons with your doctor, partner, and family members should always remain a priority before pulling the trigger and scheduling your move date.

Relocating During Pregnancy

Depending on the company you book with, you can always book your move date and have the crew pick your belongings up and transport them to their storage facilities, where they can remain until you have a safe delivery. Suppose you move forward with your relocation process before the baby's debut. In that case, you may be wondering about the logistics, some of which may be entirely out of your control. When juggling all of these changes accompanied by the birth of a newborn, lay down how either option will serve you. 

  • Selling and purchasing homes don't depend on your baby's birth date. With the cutthroat tendencies of the real estate industry, you will have to figure out how to navigate both tasks and/or rental opportunities.

  • You will want to nest, which means you may want to push the move date up sooner, depending on your due date. If you move while pregnant, you can nest in your new place before the baby is born.

  • Moving after the baby is born and the changing environment could affect the baby's mood, sleep habits, etc.

  • Post-partum recovery differs for everyone, depending on any exceptional circumstances associated with your pregnancy and birth environment/complications. If you end up moving with your newborn and are also trying to recover, the unpacking and moving-in could be more challenging.

  • Generally, moving doesn't pair well with pregnancy, nor does packing and carrying things, but if you choose to book with a local moving crew, you still have the option either way!

Moving After Giving Birth

Some new Moms prefer to wait until after giving birth to set their move date and begin the relocation process. This may be for personal reasons, and regardless of why, it comes down to what is best for you and the newest member of the household. So many various puzzle pieces need to seamlessly connect when preparing for a move, traveling for the move, and arriving at your destination. When you are already in the middle of growing a human being, you likely have enough responsibility on your plate and dragging anything else into the mix.

  • Choosing to make your move after the baby ensures you are not ever putting yourself or your unborn child in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation by taking on too much physical, emotional, or mental stress.

  • Suppose you wait and take the time necessary to transition into motherhood and parenthood. In that case, you will better understand your family's wants, needs, and schedules.

  • Moving after the baby is born means that you don't have to worry about the safety of your pregnancy, and you can likely get things done faster, so long as you have the necessary childcare and assistance for your new little one.

  • You will get to enter your new home, neighborhood, and this brand-new place while having the chance to start fresh, making new friends and even other Moms and parents in the area as you navigate this transition.

Contact Movers for a Happy, Healthy & Safe Relocation Process

No matter which route you choose, having moving experts to help guide you through moving can make the transition while pregnant or with a newborn baby much simpler and more straightforward. Delta Moving Systems in Houston, TX, is a family-owned business, and they have made it their mission to help families navigate these changes in their lives. Delta movers are dedicated to providing an accessible and secure moving environment for local and long-distance relocation. It is entirely up to you which route you choose, which likely depends on the details of your pregnancy, due date, and other factors - having local movers there, either way, will cater to a seamless transition and relocation!

How to Choose a Great International Mover


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Choosing a high-quality moving company is important when embarking on an exciting yet challenging international move. Over the previous five years, the moving services industry's revenue increased by 1.1% to $21.7 billion. The industry teems with options, making this selection crucial yet challenging.

Choosing the right mover is essential for a seamless transition overseas. Therefore, this article provides key insights to guide your decision-making process, ensuring you arrive at your new international destination with your belongings intact and your peace of mind preserved.

Ask for Estimates

In an era where cost-efficiency shapes our choices significantly, securing a reliable yet economical international mover is essential. But are you aware that despite Florida being the fastest-growing state in 2022, many newcomers decided to leave? They list the unfavorable weather, meager wages, crowded beaches, and high housing costs as causes.

For instance, housing costs in Fort Lauderdale are 61% more expensive than the national average, and utility costs are 6% more expensive. Hence, it is crucial to comprehend the significance of requesting thorough cost estimates. So, if you've decided to join the growing number of expatriates from Fort Lauderdale, ensure you choose affordable Fort Lauderdale international movers amidst a pricey atmosphere.

These estimates should be grounded in evaluating your belongings to ensure accuracy. Over-the-phone estimates may lack the detail necessary for precise cost calculation. Proper estimates equip you with a realistic price range and pave the way for you to manage your relocation budget efficiently.

Identify Your Moving Needs 

The characteristics of your move will ultimately influence the type of mover you require, with some companies specializing in distinct areas. These specialties range widely, from transporting heavy furniture to ensuring the safe passage of fragile items. It can be helpful to group your needs to make things simpler:

●    Volume of belongings: Consider the amount of stuff you plan to transport, as this will impact the movers' capacity requirements.

●    Nature of items: Identify delicate or high-value possessions that require specialized handling.

●    Vehicle transport: If you're taking your vehicle, you'll need a mover that offers this service.

●    Packing and unpacking services: Movers can significantly ease your moving process.

Your unique requirements should dictate your choice, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free transition to your new international abode.

Review Accreditation and Certifications 

Ensuring your potential international mover has the necessary accreditations and certifications is an integral part of the selection process. These industry recognitions are more than just badges of honor; they demonstrate a mover's commitment to quality, ethical practices, and industry standards.

Reputable international movers often hold membership in prestigious organizations such as the International Association of Movers (IAM), reinforcing their credibility. These professional bodies rigorously monitor their members, ensuring they uphold high industry standards and engage in ethical practices.

So, when reviewing your potential mover's credentials, don't merely gloss over their certifications and affiliations. Take a moment to validate their authenticity, as it will offer valuable insights into their professionalism, competence, and commitment to quality service.

Consider Experience and Expertise 

An established mover is adept at navigating the maze of international shipping regulations and customs procedures, which vary greatly from one country to another. They will also have a strong logistical network, ensuring a smoother border transition. When considering a mover's experience and expertise, focus on the following:

●    Years in business: A long-standing operation often equates to extensive industry experience.

●    International operations: Movers must have a proven track record in international relocations.

●    Knowledge of customs procedures is crucial to avoid unnecessary delays or costs.

●    Logistical network: Look for movers with robust networks, enabling efficient coordination across borders.

Choosing a mover with proven experience and expertise mitigates potential relocation risks and promotes a more streamlined and stress-free moving process.

Examine Insurance Coverage 

You must acknowledge the potential risks as you journey to your new international destination. Unforeseen circumstances like losing or damaging your priceless possessions could happen during transit. Adequate insurance coverage is not a luxury but a necessity to protect your items.

Your chosen mover should offer comprehensive coverage options and willingly provide detailed information about their policies. It's your right to fully understand the scope of coverage, including the claim process and what incidents are included or excluded. The emphasis here is on transparency.

Inspect Reputation and Reviews 

Reviews and ratings from past customers can genuinely reflect the company's services, giving you valuable insights into their reliability, punctuality, and overall professionalism. Take note of these factors while going through reviews:

●    Customer Satisfaction: Positive reviews often highlight satisfied customers, pointing towards quality service.

●    Handling of Belongings: Check if customers mention any mishandling or damages.

●    Punctuality: Are they reliable in terms of the promised delivery schedule?

●    Professionalism: Look for comments on their conduct and service attitude.

●    Problem Resolution: How the mover deals with complaints or issues can reveal their commitment to customer service.

A pattern of positive reviews and high ratings can instill confidence in your decision, making the move a less daunting prospect.

Consider Accessibility and Communication 

When embarking on an international move, you need a mover who is easily accessible and maintains transparent lines of communication. You should never feel left in the dark, wondering about your shipment's status or the process's next steps.

A quality mover will proactively provide timely updates and respond swiftly to your inquiries. Whether it's a question about packing materials or a concern about delivery timelines, your chosen mover should be ready and available to address it.

Ensure Post-Move Support 

In the journey of international relocation, post-move support from your moving company can make all the difference. Here's what you should look for:

●    Unpacking Services: Your mover should not just drop your belongings at the doorstep and leave. Unpacking assistance eases the stress of settling into a new home.

●    Debris Removal: You shouldn't have to deal with the mess once the unpacking is done. The mover should provide debris removal services.

●    Setting Up: Some movers go the extra mile by helping you set up your large furniture or appliances at the new location.

Any concerns or issues arising after the move should be addressed promptly. Your mover should be just a call away even after the relocation is completed.

Scrutinize the Contract

The moving contract binds you and the mover to agreed-upon terms, setting the course for your entire moving journey. As you depart, you need the assurance that all discussions and agreements you've had with your mover, from cost and pick-up times to delivery schedules and claims, are explicitly stated in the contract.

The terms and conditions should leave no room for ambiguity or surprise. You should understand each clause and its implications thoroughly. If any aspect of the contract seems unclear, don't hesitate to seek clarification.


Choosing the right international mover from Fort Lauderdale requires diligent research and consideration. Scrutinize estimates, understand your moving needs, and review a company's experience and accreditations. Check insurance options, customer reviews, and communication channels. Read the contract carefully and ensure post-move support. An informed choice can make your international move a smooth and stress-free experience.

9 Things You Should Know When Relocating from Louisville


Known for its Southern hospitality blended with Midwestern sensibilities, Louisville, Kentucky, is a city of charm and vibrancy. It boasts a diverse cultural scene, excellent dining options, and, of course, the world-renowned Kentucky Derby. Louisville's weather pattern typically involves hot, humid summers and moderately cold winters. The city offers a comfortable cost of living, below the national average, and a stable economy with opportunities in industries such as healthcare, logistics, and manufacturing.

However, like any city, living in Louisville isn't for everyone. The desire for new opportunities, experiences, or simply a change of pace often motivates residents to consider relocation. Understanding your reasons for moving will guide your choices in the relocation process.

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Reasons Why People Choose to Move

A variety of factors can spur relocation. Some people move for employment opportunities in a different city or state. Others may seek a lower cost of living, better educational prospects for their children, or a healthier, more active lifestyle. It's common for people to move to be closer to family or friends or simply to satiate a sense of adventure and explore a new city.

Whether your decision to move is driven by personal growth, career advancement, or family commitments, ensuring that your new home can adequately cater to your needs and lifestyle is important.

Keep these factors in mind as you start your relocation journey.

1. Hiring Professional Movers: When, Why, and How

Embracing the expertise of professional movers can significantly lighten the load of relocating. When selecting a moving company, key factors to ponder include pricing, the range of services they offer, and the experiences of their past clients. Numerous companies and seasoned Louisville movers extend various services, such as packing, transporting, and setting up furniture in your new abode. Proficient in navigating the complexities of a move, these experts can afford you the luxury of focusing on other pivotal aspects of your relocation journey.

It's crucial to read the fine print and ensure you fully understand the terms of service before signing on the dotted line. Clear and open communication with your chosen moving company is essential. And it's always a good idea to keep an inventory of your possessions as a handy point of reference.

2. Choosing the Right Time to Move

Deciding when to move can significantly impact the ease and cost of your relocation. Considerations such as the weather, housing market trends, school schedules, and work commitments should factor into your decision.

For instance, moving during the summer often means contending with high temperatures but also ensures that children can transition between school years. Conversely, winter is typically a less busy time for moving companies, which may result in lower costs. However, it also presents challenges like adverse weather conditions. Balancing these considerations will help you determine the most convenient time for your move.

3. Important Factors to Consider Before Relocating

Before you take the leap and commit to relocating, weighing several factors is paramount. Start by examining your potential housing options in your new city. How does the real estate market fare for buyers or renters? How do the average housing costs stack up against those in Louisville?

Moreover, you need to closely examine the cost of living, factoring in essentials like groceries, utilities, and commuting costs. Depending on your intended destination, these costs can vary considerably.

If you're moving with children, the quality of education in your new city is another vital element to consider. Research the caliber of schools, the availability of extracurricular activities, and the overall educational environment.

Don't forget the healthcare system. Good hospitals and clinics should be within easy reach. Lastly, consider employment prospects in your field. Is the job market booming, or might you need to adjust your career trajectory?

4. Researching Your New City

A thorough investigation of your potential new home is pivotal for a successful move. Start by learning the city's layout, key neighborhoods, and local amenities. Online resources, city guides, and local social media groups can be instrumental in this stage.

Take the time to virtually tour neighborhoods, looking at everything from safety records to proximity to schools, hospitals, and shopping centers. Understanding local tax laws, city services, and parking regulations can help paint a clearer picture of your new life.

5. Checklist for a Successful Move

Creating a comprehensive checklist is a helpful tool to ensure nothing is overlooked. Start by listing tasks that need to be done several weeks before the move, like decluttering, organizing personal documents, and notifying relevant institutions of your upcoming change of address.

As the moving day approaches, confirm your arrangements with moving companies, finalize packing, and plan for utilities in your new home. Don't forget to plan for moving day with essentials packed separately for easy access.

7. Getting to Know Your New City

Upon your arrival, carve out some time to discover your new city. Consider visiting local parks, eateries, museums, and other attractions. This not only allows you to get to know your new surroundings but can also be a fun way to take a break from the unpacking process.

Try to attend local events or join community groups relevant to your interests to meet new people. Keep in mind; it's perfectly normal to require some time to acclimatize to a new location. Grant yourself the grace of patience during this period of transition.

8. Understanding the Emotional Impact of Relocating

Moving to a new city can be an emotional rollercoaster. It's normal to experience a range of emotions, from excitement and anticipation to stress, anxiety, or even a sense of loss. Understanding that these feelings are part of the process makes coping with them easier.

Remember to keep communication lines open with friends and family, old and new. Connecting with people can provide a sense of familiarity and comfort amidst the chaos of moving.

9. What to Do in the First Month After the Move

The first month after a move can be a whirlwind. After settling in your new home, it's time to handle necessary tasks such as changing your address officially, registering children in their new schools, and finding local healthcare providers.

Get familiar with your commute, find the best grocery stores, and explore leisure activities around your new place. And remember, it's okay if your new home doesn't feel quite like 'home' yet. That feeling will come with time.


Relocating from Louisville, KY, or any city, for that matter, is a significant step. It requires careful planning, extensive research, and meticulous preparation. However, with the right approach and mindset, relocating can be a rewarding experience, presenting opportunities for personal and professional growth. Remember, the key to a successful move lies in understanding your reasons for moving, exploring your new city, and being prepared for a period of adjustment.