Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Why It's Important to Try New Foods

 Woman eating pizza - Image Courtesy of Pexels

Eating is good for the soul. But you can get stuck in a food rut. So it's essential to try new foods and grow as a result. Here are some of the main reasons this is important.

Could be Your Next Favourite Thing

How do you know you like something if you don't try it? Even the aroma of something is often vastly different to how it tastes. Unfortunately, many people get stuck in a food cycle of eating the same things all the time. And often, these don't do any good. They could be junk food or just reusing the same ingredients. For example, chilli con Carne, spaghetti bolognese and cottage pie are essentially the same things with one or two things added. So pop into a German deli, try a local Japanese restaurant or explore the foods of the Russian shop around the corner.

A Healthier Way to Eat

The food you often eat may be causing you harm. Some countries, like the UK and USA, constantly consume vast amounts of junk food from takeaways or processed and pre-packaged meals. But cooking fresh food has many health benefits. For example, you will have more energy, increased focus and healthier toilet habits. European countries like France, Italy and Spain place emphasis on the importance of cooking fresh. And often, it involves generational participation. This teaches kids how to look after themselves and makes beautiful memories.

Try New Foods for Cultural Experience

Every culture worldwide has different foods to eat, methods of preparation and even how they enjoy their foods. For example, Indian families will eat together in one sitting. Often with multiple generations enjoying their fresh meals with each other. But this is more than eating. It's a cultural experience because each generation before, and the ones before them, have spent hundreds of years improving and refining family recipes. Which is why they taste amazing. Of course, this is also true of Chinese, Japanese and most mainland European cultures.

Be an Example for the Children

If you have kids, then you know it can be a nightmare to get them to eat. Yet often, they grow up on the same diet as their parents. Which may or may not be the best thing for them. By trying new foods, you can encourage your children to do the same. And for the same reasons with the same results. And although you may not like a particular cuisine, your children should have the freedom of choice over what they eat. Otherwise, it could mean a lifetime of takeout food and microwave meals. Which isn't just bad for them. It means no cooking skills and costs more.

Improve Your Own Cooking

Any professional chef worth the salt in their kitchen will tell you that you can't improve your cooking without trying other cuisines. Even if you stick to one cuisine, you will learn to use ingredients in different ways. For instance, Brits love making meatballs and spaghetti with minced beef. Yet Mexicans love to shallow fry small amounts at a time for crispy beef tacos. There are always more ways to use something. But if you don't try dishes from other countries, you will never know. Plus, you get to enjoy the journey, and it's an excuse to eat a bit more.


There are many benefits when you try new foods from all over the world. These include discovering your next favourite thing, experiencing culture and improving your cooking.

Top Tips To Help You Become A Better Chef

 Whether you are a fan of world cuisines or traditional and local recipes, there is always a good reason to learn new cooking skills to enhance your culinary skills. 

Should you be new to cooking or want to become a better chef, here are some top tips. 

Avocado Chopping Board Ingredients - Free photo on Pixabay

Use sauces and herbs

There is no better way to enhance the flavors of your food than with sauces and herbs. Although plain meals can be a preference, they taste so much better with added flavorings. Hence, it is a good time to start using more sauces and herbs, especially homemade sauces. 

Following a cocktail sauce recipe can help you create the most delicious and fulfilling meals. Plain dishes can often be dull and not very satisfying. Therefore, adding a homemade sauce is always bound to enhance the dishes' flavor and satisfaction and help you experiment with cooking to become a better chef. 

Practice makes perfect

Although spending hours on a dish that doesn’t live up to expectations can be disappointing, don’t let it rain on your parade. Practice makes perfect and the more you practice, the better your cooking will get

It could take ten times to even enjoy a certain dish that you make. Yet, this practice will help you learn a new tolerance for cooking and identify how to change the way that you are cooking for the best results. 

Use fresh ingredients

It is important to learn not to become a lazy chef. Lazy chefs will be pre-chopped ingredients and even frozen produce. Although these can taste good, they won’t take the best. Nor will they make your food feel the most authentic. 

It is always a good idea to use fresh ingredients. They will enhance the flavor and texture of your food, which will help to enhance the overall personal satisfaction of your cooking. 


Although it can feel comfortable to follow recipes and other menus, it is always a good idea to experiment and create your own dishes. You will never know what you are capable of creating if you don’t follow your heart and your own flavor preferences. 

The more chopping and changing of ingredients you do, the more comfortable you will feel with mixing flavors and understanding what works best together. 

Keep your knives sharp

So that you can prepare your food professionally and safely, it is important to keep your knives sharp. Buying a knife sharpener will ensure that you can always resharpen them when they go blunt and stop cutting ingredients so efficiently. 

Sharp knives will not necessarily change the flavor of your food, but they will help to improve the texture and your experience while preparing. 

These straightforward and simple tips can soon turn you into a more confident and capable chef. Cooking has no rules or boundaries. It is a free activity to experiment how you please. Therefore, don’t be shy to mix flavors and try new things as you will never know what you are capable of. 

What Are Food Processors and How They Work

 Food processors are designed to save time, save money, and make food prep and cooking more fun. When it was first invented as “the Starmix” by German company Electrostar in 1946, the machine looked more like a blender, but already came with add-on attachments for slicing bread and milk centrifuges. 

The company behind Starmix focused on vacuum cleaners, so French catering company salesman Pierre Verdon had the market to himself. He already had Robot-Coupe (restaurant-level, commercial scale food processor) when he released the compact for home-use Le Magi-Mix in Paris in 1971. In the U.S., American engineer and inventor Carl Sontheimer refined Verdon's machines to produce the Cuisinart… and the rest was history.

How do Food Processors Work?

Food processors are equipped with a motor, a plastic bowl, and cutting blades attached to the shaft (near the bottom of the bowl). These blades/disks, which are replaceable, can shred, slice, cut or do any task the disk is designed for with every spin of the processor. 

The food processor is closed with a lid (usually with an open feeding tube where you’ll drop ingredients gradually). Most come with a pusher, so you could assist the food processor to shred or slice the ingredient. 

Food processors are super user-friendly and safe to use. All of them have safety features that prevent the motor from operating if the bowl isn’t properly attached, or if the lid isn’t closed shut. 

Many Ways to Use Food Processors

Now that you have a bit of background about the food processor’s origin and design, let me introduce to you the many ways you can use this kitchen appliance to your advantage. 

  • Sauce and condiments. People who use food processors regularly almost always can do many condiment staples from scratch. You can make your own hummus, pesto, salad dressings (like vinaigrette and Caesar’s dressing), as well as mayonnaise, salsa, and all types of dips your heart desires. 

  • Homemade baby food. If you can’t find baby food with a list of ingredients that fits your requirements, the food processor can be the best tool for making any pureed food for your baby. From veggies to fruits, soups, and all other “first food” to give your baby, you’ll find that most homemade recipes use a food processor to turn regular food into baby food. 

  • Big-batch cooking. Whether you have a large household and feed a lot of people on the daily, or you have a catering business on the side, cooking for big batches can get tiring real quick especially if you’re cooking recipes with a lot of ingredients. If you need to slice or grate kilos of cabbage, potatoes, carrots, broccoli, beets, cucumbers, brussel sprouts, yams, potatoes, and other veggies, it would be dramatically quicker to do it on a food processor.

  • Sausages, burger patties and other ground meat products. Although food processors technically cannot “grind” meat, they do mince ingredients absolutely well thanks to their sharp blades. Except for those with bones in them, food processors can cut through almost any kind of meat from beef to pork, veal to chicken, and even salmon and other types of fish. 

  • Low carb or KETO recipes. If you’re trying to get healthy, getting a food processor will help you make cauliflower or broccoli rice in a flash. Turn nuts and oats into your own homemade flour that you can use to make all kinds of gluten-free recipes. You can even grind nuts and oats then mix them with honey or coconut flakes for your own energy bars with zero sugar.

  • Homemade breadcrumbs. You can make your own crumbs with added herbs and spices only when you need them, so the breadcrumbs are fresh and tasty without any preservatives.

  • Nut butters. If your household empties jars and jars of peanut butter and almond butter, you can save a ton of money if you use your food processor to make them yourself. You just need the butter, your choice of sweetener, and a bit of oil or water to blend with your mashed nut. 

  • Any baked good that requires kneading. Most food processors come with a kneading accessory, which allows you to use the kitchen appliance as a stand mixer. Meaning, you can easily create pasta dough, pizza dough, or any kind of bread is possible without manually kneading the dough. That’s a lot of effort and muscle power saved with every recipe you try.

If you only have a budget for one countertop kitchen appliance, make it the food processor since it could definitely make your time in the kitchen more enjoyable. It’s ideal for people  on-the-go who loves to do makeahead meals, eat healthier, save money on groceries, and just about anyone who is trying to try out new recipes. 

Food Prices Are Soaring, But You Still Needn't Get Burnt In The Kitchen

Image Source: CC0 License

As food prices increase at rates that we haven’t seen in decades, it’s easy to assume that increases in grocery costs are an inevitable part of life right now. The trouble is that, for families who were already paying a great deal for their weekly food shop, this additional cost can feel like too much to bear.

This is especially true when you pair raising food costs with general inflation of around 7.5%. Luckily, while we can’t impact general inflation and its effects on things like household bills, grocery increases are, at least, something that we can manage if we put our minds to it.

That’s not to say you can entirely overcome paying anything extra in this area over the coming months, but it does at least mean that you can try to keep costs around the level that they were before by simply perfecting priorities like the following. 

Step 1: Pay with the right card

Though it may seem strange to use a credit card to ultimately save yourself money, the fact that many credit card providers offer as much as 2-6% of cashback at nationwide supermarkets means that you can at least reduce the impact of increases by paying this way. By taking the time to consider the best possible options for this benefit with the help of companies like Compare Credit, you can especially ensure that you’re getting almost as much back as the extra you’re spending in the first place. If you pair this with the ability to pay credit card bills as soon as they come through your letterbox, you can at least ease the sting you’ll inevitably feel here otherwise. 

Image Source: CC0 License

Step 2: Cut back on meat

With meat currently costing around 21% more than it did in 2021, reducing meat products to one or two meals a week can also significantly help to reduce food expenses overall. This is by no means a new concept, but the cost-cutting benefits of surprisingly affordable protein and iron-rich alternatives like lentils and beans are coming even more into their own right now. Even better, the ability to store these items in the long term can save on food wastage, which will also help to cut back on overall costs here. 

Step 3: Cook in batches

Speaking of reducing waste, cooking in batches is another more financially sustainable way to continue cooking your own meals. As well as saving on the risk of having to throw away food, having affordable meals like chilis and curries in the freezer can especially cut down on the need for shopping trips that leave you at risk of the expensive impulse buys that many of us are guilty of otherwise. And, you’d be amazed how much of a difference that can bring to your monthly grocery outlays overall. 

Cost of food increases are undeniably daunting for those of us with families to sustain, but weathering the change using these simple techniques is guaranteed to make this an easier adjustment than you might be expecting. 


Too Busy At Work? Quick & Healthy Lunch Ideas You Need!

 How much money do you spend per week on your working lunches? So many people spend cash every single day buying lunches from the local takeout stands, not thinking about what could be nourishing. A healthy lunch is harder to come by with all of the prepacked options on the shelves, and quick and healthy lunch ideas are absolutely necessary so that you can enjoy your meals and feel energized at work at the same time. 

Almost every day, you can whip up a healthy breakfast and a nutritious dinner, even if you have a slow cooker going all day you can make your evening meal a hearty one. So how can you ensure your lunches are the case? And what are your options? You can batch cook and bring your own lunches as standard - it’s the best option if you want to ensure that you are eating really well! Whether you are whipping up Vietnamese pho from Nourished Kitchen or you are putting on a large portion of chili ready to be frozen, your lunches should make you feel full and nourished all at once. Below, we’ve got some quick and healthy lunch ideas that’ll ensure you are well fed while you’re at work.

Image Source: Pexels

  1. Embrace veggies. You don't have to be a vegetarian to really enjoy your veggies, and vegetables don't have to be boring, either. You can enjoy vegetables in a myriad of ways, from a quinoa veggie bowl with a tahini dressing to a delicious vegetable soup. While you’re working, you want to be able to think straight and a big part of that will be in what you eat to get you through the day. If you’re eating foods that make you feel sluggish, you’re going to find it much harder to concentrate. 

  2. Bake a batch of muffins. While the muffins at the coffee shops are delicious, we’re talking savory muffins over sweet. Veggie muffins or mini frittatas are the perfect option for work as they’re easy to grab and can be eaten with a hearty side salad. You can even bring that veggie soup you made and use the soup as a dip! Your muffin making skills will show off a little of what you can do and you’ll feel fuller for longer in the office as a result. 

  3. Try out loaded potatoes. Slicing up pre baked sweet potatoes and loading them up with your choice of toppings is a good way to go if you want something healthy and filling. Adding fresh salsa, refried beans and greens will ensure that you get the fulfilling meal that you’re looking for - and not a burger in sight!

  4. Explore your wrap options. Wraps don't have to be all carb-y and boring. You can do so much with wraps and you can use large green lettuce leaves if you want something more fulfilling than a regular wrap. Veggies with fish or eggs, meats in strips with cheeses and even meatball wraps all work for you.

Useful Tips To Prevent Food Waste

 No matter if you are into vegan food, have a certain diet, or eat all types of food, many households around the world waste too much food. It is common for an average household to throw away food each week, which is wasting a lot of money. Plus, it is harmful to the environment. 

To prevent food waste in your household, here are some tips.

Radish Fade Pesto Salsa - Free photo on Pixabay

Buy ingredients that everyone will eat

If you have a partner or children or live with a friend, it is important to buy ingredients that everyone will eat. Otherwise, one person might find it difficult to consume one thing alone before it expires. 

For instance, if your family loves pizza then making pizza sticks is a snack that your family will love. Everyone can enjoy tasty tomatoey and cheesy dough. Hence, making such a simple snack to enjoy while watching movies or playing games will ensure that you will avoid wasting food as everyone will enjoy the same ingredients. 

Make your own sauces from leftover ingredients

Whacking leftover ingredients that are about to expire into a food blender could help you make an incredibly tasty sauce. Experimenting with flavors might help you to discover a new favorite. 

It is simple to make homemade sauces. All you will need alongside the ingredients is some oil to make it blend into a smooth consistency. 

Likewise, it could mean that you save costs when shopping as you can continue making sauces instead of buying ready-made ones. 

Plan ahead

Wasting food each week simply comes from a lack of planning. If you plan your meals for the week before you shop, then you will only buy what you need and know you will use it.

Planning ahead means that you can utilize all ingredients in your fridge and cupboards so that nothing gets thrown in the bin. 

Get creative

Should you still have some food left after each week, then it is time to get creative. You don’t always need to cook the same meals or what you have planned. If you have food leftover that is soon to expire, then get creative and make something new. 

You might have random ingredients leftover but you will be surprised what you can make with some ingredients. 

You can type the ingredients into the internet and find new recipes so that you can utilize the rest of your food. 

Organize your kitchen

Should you have a messy kitchen or lack an order as to which you organize your food, then it can help to organize your kitchen. If everything has a dedicated space, then you will know where to look for ingredients that could be going off. 

Likewise, you will be able to see everything that can be used instead of pushing things to the back of the cupboards or the fridge. Staying organized will make sure that everything has a visible space in your kitchen so that no ingredients get forgotten about and go out of date. 

5 Tips for Getting Your Child to Enjoy Veggies

 There’s the common stereotype that children utterly hate vegetables. There are plenty of cartoons in the day that even reflect this sentiment while still pushing for kids to eat them. Every teenager and adult knows the importance of vegetables. Veggies are packed with vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, and so much more and all of these help the immune system while preventing things such as diseases or cancers. But telling a child this doesn’t matter, because children don’t exactly think about the future much. So, what can be done? How can you get your child to enjoy vegetables? These are a few ways to achieve that.

Image credit 

Ask them what makes them dislike veggies

Simple enough, right? Chances are, there’s a reason why they don’t like eating them. It could be the taste, and this is very valid. While it’s true children are incredibly picky eaters it’s important to look into ways to expand their palette while at the same time catering to their tastebuds. Vegetables are known for not tasting the best unless they’re cooked or seasoned in a proper way. So why not try experimenting to see what your child likes? There are plenty of benefits of cooking your own meals and cooking per taste is one of them.

Set a good example

Children tend to copy what their parents do, so if you eat your veggies, your children will be far more inclined to eat theirs. If children see that their parents are enjoying all of these healthy foods it's going to let them know that it’s normal and they’re going to copy what their parents are doing. So eat more veggies and serve them for your meals, as this could be a perfect way to get the whole family on board for eating healthy.

Get your child to cook with you

As mentioned earlier, you need to know what they dislike about veggies. But getting them to see how you cook and letting them help is going to push them to feel proud of what they made and they’re going to more than likely choose to eat what they helped make. So why not look into some easy recipes you and your little one can make together? A great example would be the sesame chicken recipe or even a casserole.

Praise them

Every time your little one eats veggies, just praise them for it. They’ll start associating eating veggies with positive emotion and this can be one of the best ways to get them feeling proud and involved. But you should tell them exactly what they did so they know they’re getting praised for eating the veggies and not anything else. It’s better to be positive and have positive reinforcements for your child rather than anything negative.

Just keep on trying

While it’s never easy to get a child to follow directions, the best thing you can do is to keep on trying. Just keep pushing for them to eat healthily, but also don’t forget that this is something that will require a lot of patience too. 

The Benefits of Cooking Your Own Meals

 Cooking your meals is one of the best things you can do for your health. When you cook your food, you know exactly what is going into it – and that means you can avoid unhealthy additives and preservatives. Cooking your food is also a great way to save money. The following blog will discuss the many benefits of cooking your meals!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

1) It Is A Great Way To Control Your Calorie Intake

When you cook your meals, you are in complete control of the ingredients and the portion sizes. This means that you can easily avoid consuming too many calories – something that is essential if you are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Cooking your food also allows you to customize your meals according to your dietary needs and preferences. For example, if you follow a gluten-free diet, you can easily prepare gluten-free meals at home.

2) It Helps You Eat More Nutritious Meals

Cooking your own meals is a great way to ensure that you are eating nutritious, balanced meals. When you cook at home, you have complete control over the ingredients and can choose to include plenty of healthy vegetables and lean protein sources in your diet.

This is in contrast to eating out, where it can be challenging to find healthy options that fit within your calorie and dietary restrictions. In fact, recent studies have shown that people who cook their meals tend to eat healthier overall than those who do not.

Cooking your food also means avoiding unhealthy additives and preservatives, which are often found in processed foods. These additives can negatively affect your health, including causing weight gain and contributing to chronic diseases.

3) It Saves You Money

One of the best things about cooking your meals is that it can save you a lot of money. When you cook at home, you can buy ingredients in bulk and prepare large meals which will last for several days. This is in contrast to eating out, where you will likely spend a lot more money on individual meals.

In addition, cooking your food means avoiding buying expensive processed foods or take-out meals. By cooking your own food, you can easily save hundreds – if not thousands – of dollars each year.

4) It Is Fun And Rewarding

Cooking your meals can be a fun and rewarding experience. When you cook a meal from scratch, you know that you have put in the hard work and effort to create something delicious. This feeling of accomplishment cannot be matched by simply heating a frozen dinner or ordering a take-out meal.

Cooking your food also allows you to experiment with new recipes, like a garlic confit recipe, and culinary techniques. This can be a great way to expand your culinary knowledge and learn new skills.

In conclusion, cooking your meals is one of the best things you can do for your health, wallet, and taste buds! By taking control of your food preparation, you can ensure that you are eating nutritious, delicious, and affordable meals. So what are you waiting for? Start cooking!

12+ Cheesecake Recipes for the Holiday Season

The holidays are the perfect time to whip up and enjoy a decadent cheesecake! If you have been looking for a unique new recipe to try, this collection is the perfect starting place.

Make sure you pin this collection to your holiday baking board. 

Social shares are so much appreciated. They help my site grow and send traffic to my blogging friends that participated in sharing recipes for this post. So please, hit that share to twitter, facebook, pinterest or etc button!

This collection has something for everyone! From a sweet sopapilla cheesecake to  cranberry cheesecake bar recipe that is perfect for Thanksgiving

Sopapilla Cheesecake by Spend with Pennies
Monkey Bread Cheesecake by Sweet Recipeas
Red Velvet Cheesecake by Food, Folks and Fun
Maple Bacon Cheesecake by Ashlee Marie
Funfetti Cheesecake  by The Suburban Soap Box
Fireball Brown Sugar Cheesecake  by Sweet Recipeas

Related: Apple Pie Cheesecake Parfaits

Gingersnap Cheesecake by Julie Measures
Birthday Cake Cheesecake by Centsable Mom
Pecan Pie Cheesecake Bars by Centsless Meals
Christmas Tree Cheesecakes by Mom Foodie
Peppermint Cheesecake Trifle by Tastes of Lizzy T
Cranberry Cheesecake Bars by Domestic Superhero

If you are craving more holiday goodness check out my Thanksgiving collection.
There is so much fun to be found in my Christmas section, you won't want to miss a moment!

12+ Lasagna Recipes You Will LOVE!

Lasagna is the ultimate comfort food. I love to make a pan on Sunday for a family dinner that everyone will love. I found 12 lasagna recipes you will love that I know you are going to want to check out.  This list contains a variety of styles that are all really tasty!

This list contains options from veggie loaded roll ups to vegan options and even a lazy day instant pot variety. I know you will find one or two your family will want to dig into. 

Loaded Veggie Lasagna Rolls by Meal Plan Addict
Lasagna Soup by Celebrating Sweets
Cheesy Taco Lasagna
Easy Meat Lasagna by The Curious Frugal
Electric Skillet Chicken Lasagna by In the Kitchn
Lazy Instant Pot Lasagna by Meal Plan Addict
Lasagna Cupcakes by Protecting Your Pennies
Oven Ready Lasagna by Thrifty Frugal Mom
Classic Lasagna by Texan Erin
Taco Lasagna by Eating Richly
Eggplant and Tofu Lasagna  by The Mama Maven
Baked Lasagna Roll Ups by Swirls of Flavor

You might also want to check out this Mason Jar Lasagna recipe.

September Foodie Favorites

Are you looking for some new ways to add flavor to your life? I have rounded up some awesome goodies that you can find on the web that you are going to want to check out. From bags to keep things fresh and smelly proof to crumb cakes that are fork licking good. 

Samples have been provided for inclusion and affiliate links may be included.

Smellyproof bags are a must have for foodies. These are perfect for storing anything from fish to veggies and more. They are reusable so a pack can last for quite a while! Order online starting at $6.

Food Cubby keeps the peace at dinner by putting space between food for fussy eaters. Order from Amazon for the kids for $15.

Anyone who likes to bake is going to want to get some Domino Sugar. They have a variety of sweet products like Light Brown, Dark Brown and Golden Sugar. I love sprinkling golden sugar on pie crusts for a pretty glittery effect. Find it online and in stores, and check out the Domino site for loads of great recipes.

My kids love  to munch on nuts for an afternoon snack, so they were really into these tasty trays of BLUM almonds. You sprinkle on the seasoning and oil that is included and pop the container in the microwave for a few moments and you have a toasty, tasty treat you can feel good about serving to your family because they are delicious and healthy. Order a variety of flavors online for $24 a 3 pack.

Blnd spices are perfect for spicing things up. These globally inspired spices are unique and delicious! Add them to a variety of dishes for a new flavor experience. I really like the Fire n Lime spice on everything!
Order online and get a 2 pack of spices for about $10. 

Shrewd foods makes some healthy and tasty protein puff treats to add flavor to snack time without the guilt. Find a variety of flavors online for about $25 a 12 pack. These have 14 grams of protein per serving! 

Foodies are going to flip for these amazing Charles Chocolate bars. Get an artisan chocolate subscription to satisfy your sweet tooth. The flavors offered are decadent and innovative. Plus, they are beautifully packaged and crafted! Prices start at about $25 for a delivery of out of this world indulgence.

As the name suggests, these jars are not just pasta sauce, they are jars of sauce that is so good you will want to pair it with pasta, chicken, and if you wanted to use this as a dip for tortilla chips, no one would judge you! Packed with 10 veggies and no junk, there are 100's of ways to enjoy. Order a 6 pack online for $54 and prepare your taste buds for delicious dishes.

Any true foodie needs a great grilling kit, like this personalized one from Groovy Groomsman Gifts. The set comes in a gorgeous wood case with a spatula, fork and tongs that are perfect for grilling up a good time. This makes a great gift too! Oder online for a foodie in your life.

I love getting surprises in the mail, but getting a subscription box of treats? Now that makes my day! Laura's Kitchen Table is delivering treats worth writing home about for about $45 a month. This is a fun service for a hard to buy for friend, or anyone who loves trying tasty treats!

It is always a good time for Clarkson Avenue Crumb Cake. This is a really great cake that you can order online and have shipped to your door. As the temperatures are still pretty warm here, I am all for not needing to fire up my oven and having my cake and eating it too! Oder the classic crumb cake, or a variety of other flavors for about $28.

What could go better with beers on an end of summer night than Hall's Beer Cheese? This stuff is awesome to dip, spread, or smear on almost anything. We love the Hot n Snappy Spicy Beer Cheese dip the most. You will be glad to know you can find this tasty as can be beer cheese at Sam's Club in Ohio, or you can order it online for about $6 a tub.

To wash down all these delicious goodies, you need to take note of the Tavour craft beer delivery service. Now, before trying this selection, I was not into craft beer. I would say "Eh," with indifference. But, after looking at these fun cans and super unique offerings, I had to crack open a Lemon Meringue Pie Beer, then an Attention Please. I am converted to a craft beer lover now. I can't wait to see what else this service has to offer! This is going to be a must have for the holidays or the home bar every month!

I hope this list of foodie favorites inspires you to try a few new foodie finds this month!