My little boy isn't feeling well, and he can't seem to sleep without Mommy at his side, so I am sitting up in bed, listening to him sleep. He reaches over to make certain I am still here every few minutes.
I don't post much about my family, I realized that the other day. Well, let me introduce you to my family!
My husband, Adam and my son Rolf
This is my Prince of a Puppy
This is Fru, my bestie! What a face! He was caught mid yawn~
Maurice- our darling kitty
My hubby loves to fish :)
My little darling Rolf!
Rolf is a wonderful child. He is kind, he loves to help Mommy around the house. He is sweet, he is generous and loves to share. Rolf is funny, he has a great sense of humor and he is busy, busy, busy! My son is very bright and he is absolutely adorable. I consider myself lucky to be his mother.
It breaks my heart to see him sick. He has been coughing and sneezing, he has been grumpy and restless, and tonight he had a low fever. It seems as if this year has been rough on our immune systems. We spent the day indoors, napping and coloring. We read a few books, cuddled and in general tried to take it easy. After a busy weekend I needed a day to relax, and Rolf needed me, so I have pushed the guilt I feel when I don't accomplish much aside.
My husband, Adam, gives me a gift every day. The gift of time, to watch Rolf grow and the opportunity to stay at home with Rolf. Our family could certainly benefit from a second income, but the money is not worth all of the things I would miss.
Well folks, there you have it, my family and a little bit about us!
What remedies did you or do you use for your toddler when he or she has a cold? The pediatrician advised us not to use any OTC medicines, and to give him plenty of fluids, zinc and vitamin C, and to use a nasal aspirator and humidifier to keep Rolf comfy. I have been giving him vapor baths too. I like to use natural products and remedies when I can. I would love to hear what works to soothe your kids!
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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query rolf. Sort by date Show all posts
Easy Angry Bird's Pig Paper Craft
My little boy is in school all day now. This has been an odd adjustment, let me tell you. Considering we spent basically every moment together until school started this year has been nothing short of horrible for me. I sobbed like someone told me we would never see each other again, he belongs to school now....
On the first full day of school, I was feeling pretty terrible. I missed Rolf. I felt like I let his childhood slip past me and I wasted so much time being irritated or upset, or distracted by irrelevant things and those days were gone. Melodramatic? Yes. But, that is how I felt!
So, as I was consumed with missing Rolf that day, Harper and I decided to make something for Rolf to make him smile and pass the time while she waited on her playmate and I waited on my cutie pie.
Rolf is really into Angry Birds, so I knew that this was going to make him smile and Harper had fun playing with her Piggy too!
To make a Paper Pig from Angry Birds you will need:
Green Construction Paper
White Construction Paper
Back Construction Paper
Cut one large circle, One smaller oval, 2 Triangles, One tail from the green construction paper.
Cut 2 small circles, 3 larger circles from the black construction paper.
Cut 2 circles from the white construction paper.
Glue the 2 white circles onto the largest green circle in the place of eyes.
Glue the green oval to the middle of the green circle for the snout.
Glue the 2 larger circles of black onto the snout for nostrils.
Glue the last black circle on for a mouth.
Glue the 2 smallest black circles onto the eyes for pupils.
Add the 2 green triangles for ears.
Add the squiggly tail at the bottom!
And there you have an easy peasy Angry Bird's Pig Paper Craft!
kids crafts,
kindergarten activity,
paper crafts,
Dragonfly Charm Bookmark
Ribbon Charm Bookmarks are an easy DIY that makes for a great gift for any book lover in your life!
We are a family of readers. Adam, Rolf and I all like to end our day with a little reading in bed time. Harper has been learning her sight words and enjoys a bedtime story from Rolf most nights. When Rolf started taking a book to bed at the beginning of summer, I wanted to make book markers for him, so he wouldn't lose his place.
These are so easy and require no sewing! Which is awesome because I don't sew.
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Cut a section of ribbon that is twice as long as the average book.
Fold the ribbon in half and liberally add hot glue.
Fold the ribbon over on to the hot glue and press.
At the end of the ribbon, insert a necklace clasp so that it just barely hangs out of the ribbon.
At the end of the ribbon, insert a necklace clasp so that it just barely hangs out of the ribbon.
Secure with hot glue.
These are so easy to make and they are pretty too.
Use a variety of charms and patterns of ribbon to make a variety.
The addition of a simple charm to the ribbon makes these bookmarks feel really elegant and they look pretty too!
If you are looking for more diy gift and craft ideas check these posts out.
Christmas DIY,
DIY projects,
gift ideas
Life With A New Baby
Some of you might be interested to hear how life with a new baby is going in my world, so I thought I would offer an update post.
Harper is sweet, she is cute, she is cuddly. She brings a smile to the face of anyone that sees her. She is tiny, still not at 8 pounds. We have a little joke that she is 1 pound of baby and 6 and a half pounds of cheeks as she has the roundest little face. She has grown, tonight her preemie sized pajamas were too small, but they fit just fine maybe 3 days ago. We are officially into newborn sizes and she is 5 weeks old.
Harper makes the best faces, as you can see in the photo above. She has us giggling daily with her funny baby faces.
Harper sleeps well a few nights a week and keeps me awake a few nights. The long nights that she won't sleep without being held are totally worth it. The nights she sleeps like a log are odd, I find myself going to her room to check on her every hour or so.
Rolf is warming up to her. He will give her kisses, he strokes her face and hair and he has shown an interest in holding her a few times. The first 10 days were rough, he was jealous and he acted out a lot, but he is getting better with the idea of having a sister. I am relieved! I have made an effort to hold him, hold his hand, to tell him how special he is to me and how loved he is. When I shower him with attention he feels important and his outbursts are fewer and further between. I try to include him in the care of Harper and that makes life easier. He feels important when he is handing me a bottle, throwing a diaper away or bringing me a fresh one or fetching a blanket big enough for everyone to cuddle under.
Harper is starting to demonstrate her personality. She likes only one brand of pacifiers. She likes to be held but is not fond of being stroked. She wants to be held without any extra touching and she wants you to be still when you hold her. She doesn't like to go outside, she doesn't like to ride in the car. She likes her cozy house best.
Harper is fascinated with Rolf, she hears his voice and turns her head to watch him with big blue eyes. Rolf likes the captive audience and has no complaints.
Since having Harper I have learned about slowing down, not taking on as much work and letting the house get messy. Before Harper I stressed about those things. I wasn't sleeping enough, I was over extending myself and I was obsessed with picking up the never ending mess. I have noticed that in the past weeks with my new found go with the flow attitude that I feel better about me.
Life with a new baby has been good. The time has passed rapidly, but it has helped me to prioritize. Harper is all anyone could hope for in a baby. She is healthy, cuddly, sweet, adorable. She makes me very happy.
Death Star Valentine Box
This up-cycled Death Star Valentine's Box was made with simple materials to create a fun way to collect cards and then play after the holiday has ended for Jedi's in training. This is a perfect nerdy date idea!
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When we got the letter about making a Valentine Box with Rolf, my husband giggled maniacally. He had been crossing his fingers that this would be the year Rolf could take a Valentine's box to the party! He had an idea he had been kicking around for quite sometime, and that was to create a Death Star for our little Star Wars Expert that he could continue to use long after Valentine's Day had passed.
To recreate the Death Star, you will need:
an old soccer ball
something round to create the Super Laser Focus Lens black paint
white paint
blue paint
gray paint
a utility knife
mod podge
Cut around one hexagon on the soccer ball, making 5 slices to accommodate your hand reaching into the ball.
Paint the ball black, using at least 2 coats.
Add the gray details, based upon your interpretation of the Death Star.
Add the white and blue details also based on your interpretation of the Death Star.
Cover the Death Star with 2 coats of mod podge.
Paint your circular part black, adding whatever details you see fit. Our Super laser Focus Lens is compromised of 3 large washer type parts. Attach this with a screw with a cap on the back if possible.
We used a Noxzema jar lid painted to look like space as a base for this.
Rolf had an out of this world cool Valentine Box, and as a bonus, he can now fit many of his Star Wars action figures in his Death Star for easy storage and enhanced play in a galaxy far far away.
If you liked this easy craft idea, you will dig this cute little yoda puppet too!
You can find all of my crafts here:
star wars,
valentine crafts
Basket of Fruit Process Art
Lemon and Limes find a second life after their prime with this easy and fun process art activity! It incorporates an introduction to weaving for small hands with a lot of painting fun. This activity is great for kids of all ages from Toddlers and Preschoolers, to older kids, like Rolf who is 11 now and still had fun with this!
Ok, first, let that sink in. Rolf is 11 now. When I started this blog, he was a baby. Literally, just a baby. And here we are 10 years later. Still sharing, growing and creating. Let's have a big group hug!
Next, isn't this such a cute process art project for kids? I love that the touchy, smelly parts make it super engaging for little hands. If you have been reading for a while now, you know how I feel about sensory play and projects! (I love them!) Well, I also love to paint with Harper too! We had a few lemons and limes in the fruit basket that were a little shriveled up and unappetizing so instead of tossing them out, we put them to work in an art project.
A lemon and a lime, sliced in half
A paper plate
A brown bag of construction paper
Yellow and green paint
Cut the brown paper into thin strips.
Offer your child one strip and encourage the child to glue it to the paper.
As you can see we used 3 vertical strips, then began the under/over process of weaving the horizontal strips.
Now comes the fun!
Pour a little paint (about a quarter size drop of each color) on a paper plate.
Remind your artist to use all of the fruit and colors!
Allow to dry and display.
Flower Garden Sensory Bin
Flowers are so much fun for little hands! Harper loves to pick them, plant them and even pull the weeds. I made a fun flower garden sensory bin for her and this super simple bin has not disappointed Harp at all!
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Dried black beans
Artificial flowers
Sand toys
Pour the dried black beans into the container.
Add Terracotta Pots and artificial flowers.
Offer a variety of tools to explore the beans with. Plastic serving tongs, sand toysPour the dried black beans into the container.
Add Terracotta Pots and artificial flowers.
like shovels and rakes, kitchen spoons and small gardening spades are all fun options for
small hands. I chose items that would fit into the container with the lid for easy clean up and storage.
This is a sensory bin your little ones will want to play with many more times.
With supervision allow your child to explore the beans, the tools and plant the flowers.
This bin was so simple. But, the best things in life usually are.
As I put the bin out, Harp was ready to start gardening right away. Rolf heard the beans being poured into a pot and he exclaimed "I love these bins!"
He naturally wanted to play too. Harper was more than happy to share her flower garden with Rolf.
The kids loved the sound the beans made when poured into the pots. They also like the smoothness of the beans.
To make it even more realistic, I later added a drop of rose to a few flowers and jasmine to a few others to add the fun of fragrance to the bin.
Wen playtime was over it was simple to lay everything in the box and snap the lid on for easy storage.
We will definitely be playing with this again!
You might also like this In the Sky Sensory Bin.
Find all of my sensory bin ideas here
Find more flower crafts for kids here.
sensory bins
Nashville Hot Chicken Fried Potatoes
Let me tell you about the tastiest way to make fried potatoes ever. If you like the flavors of Nashville Hot Chicken, then this is the place for you! These Nashville Hot Chicken Fried Potatoes are so good that you are going to crave them all the time. Luckily, they are easy to make and are a cheap and delicious side dish to so many dishes.
My son, sweet Rolf, is 12 years old now. He is only about 2" shorter than I am. His feet are twice the size of mine. He is so beautiful... but he has an appetite like no other. But, he is PICKY. I am always looking for ways to fill him up, and if I can get him to try something new, then that is wonderful.
I tried this tasty and easy fried potato recipe for a side last week and my family loved it. Even Rolf. He has asked me to make these again already. You only need 5 ingredients to make these and they taste so good! Let me tell you how I made these.
4 tablespoons of Nashville Hot Chicken Seasoning (I like The Spice Lab's version)
1/2 cup - 1 cup Buttermilk
1/2 cup of flour
1 -2 large potatoes
Oil for Frying
Slice your potatoes using a slicer like pictured above. You want them to be thin.
Pour the buttermilk over your potatoes. If you are only making one large potato, use 1/2 a cup. For more potatoes, add more buttermilk.
Add 2 tablespoons of Nashville Hot Chicken seasoning to the buttermilk.
Gently toss so that the potatoes are completely covered with the buttermilk and seasoning.
Allow to rest in the fridge for an hour.
When the hour has passed (this is so important for the flavor!)
Mix the flour and the remaining 2 tablespoons of hot chicken seasoning.
Dredge the potato slices through the flour.

Pour your oil into a saucepan.
Heat over medium heat for a few moments until the oil is hot enough to fry. I am sorry, I have no idea what temperature I had this oil. I just know how to fry potatoes in oil after all these years in a kitchen. HA!
I guess, I would say, I treated it just like I would fried chicken?
When the potatoes were nice and crispy, and golden brown, I pulled them out of the oil to drain on a paper towel. Use a slotted spoon!
Repeat with remaining potatoes, and these are the end results.
They have that whole spicy chicken vibe, but they are just potato slices.
They are SO GOOD!
These would be great for satisfying a fried chicken craving on a potato budget. But, they are also just a great way to make potatoes super enticing on the side of any meal.
If you try this recipe, I hope you LOVE it! Be sure to save this to your pinterest food board. It would be great if you would share this recipe on social media.
Find more of my tasty food ideas here:
easy recipe,
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